Yago graduated as a political scientist with specialization in European politics. He obtained a second Master’s degree in General Economics. During his studies he was offered a spot on the board of JEF Ghent, and also had the opportunity to intern at the European Parliament, at the cabinet of MEP Guy Verhofstadt, president of the ALDE Group. Currently he is doing an internship at the Policy and Advocacy department of the European Youth Forum. He is in charge of monitoring the work of the European institutions with a focus on youth issues.

Suad Skenderi graduated Political Science, International Relations and Journalism at FON University, Macedonia and acquired his Master of Arts degree in Political Science at the Central European University - Budapest. From 2008 to 2012, he has worked as an assistant in the sector for Human Rights and Inter-ethnic relations at "Mesecina" - Gostivar. Currently he is an executive director at Romalitico, the academic medium related to Roma policy analyses. He is interested in data visualizations, infographics, advocacy, minority politics, politics of identity, representation, participation and good governance. In addition, he has contributed for the Balkanist, Bright Green, European Student Think Tank, Nationalia, Iul Pianus

Meriam Benhamza holds a BA in finance and Accounting and a Master in Financial Communication from the Università Della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland. She is fascinated by various topics, but her main focus is the new financial issues arising from the Euro crisis and the role good governance plays in solving them.

Léa is an Editor for Digital Policy and Internet Governance. She also works on European Public Affairs at APCO Worldwide in Brussels, where she is specialised in the technology and finicial services sectors. She holds an MPP degree from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and a Bachelor's degree in European Studies from Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

Simon Marijsse holds both a Master’s degree in Public Policy and one in Philosophy (from Ghent University and KU Leuven). After having worked as post lauream researcher at the Jean Jacobs Institute in Bologna, he chose to specialize in Conflict & Development Studies at Ghent University. Inspired by live field work in the Middle-East, Simon currently aims at bridging local grass roots developments with new modes of globalization and rhetorical analysis of policy mechanisms. His interests involve EU foreign policy, historical and contemporary Arab-West relations, and the modalities of subjectivity, identity and state-building practices in the wider MENA region.

In 2012 and 2014 Karina Oborune was employed as a research assistant at University of Oxford and in 2013 and 2014-2015 as a researcher at University of Latvia and at University of Lucerne. In May 2014 she was employed at EU-Vox project and in 2012-2013 worked at the headquarters of ESN as a researcher at ESNSurvey team. She has received her BA degree from the University of Latvia and participated in the Erasmus exchange at Sciences Po in France, she has received her Masters in Political Science, Economics and Law from the University of Basel in Switzerland and at CEU in Budapest, Hungary. Ms. Oborune is currently a PhD Candidate in Political Science at University of Latvia, and member of EPSA, IAPSS, EUSA, UACES and BAICE. She has presented at 22 international conferences including University of Cambridge, EP Model in Strasbourg, UN Model in New York and is author of more than 11 academic publications.

Gianna has a degree in Law, and graduate degrees in Social Policy and in International Relations. She also took courses in data journalism, teaching skills, training for trainers, critical thinking, electoral observation, conflict mediation. She collaborated with NGOs in Belgrade, Prishtina, Lisbon, and is a conflict mediator, editor, proofreader and translator. She is a member of the Coordinating Collective of DiEM25 - Democracy in Europe Movement and a member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice.

Jaap Rozema obtained his PhD in environmental politics from the University of East Anglia, UK. He focuses on the governance, geography and science of environmental issues, while increasingly applying these to climate change. Currently Jaap works in policy decision support for a political party in the Netherlands.

Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, historian of ideas, social theorist, philologist and literary critic