Emile Fabre is an aspiring political affairs researcher and MA student at the College of Europe in Natolin, Poland, whose analytical work focuses on international affairs and security issues. Previously Emile has engaged in human rights monitoring, researching armed conflict and extremism as well as drafting policy on foreign affairs by working at the European External Action Service, European Parliament and International Crisis Group. He holds degrees from the American Graduate School of Paris (MSc International Relations) and Paris-Sud University (MA Diplomacy).
Emile Fabre is an aspiring political affairs researcher and MA student at the College of Europe in Natolin, Poland, whose analytical work focuses on international affairs and security issues. Previously Emile has engaged in human rights monitoring, researching armed conflict and extremism as well as drafting policy on foreign affairs by working at the European External Action Service, European Parliament and International Crisis Group. He holds degrees from the American Graduate School of Paris (MSc International Relations) and Paris-Sud University (MA Diplomacy).