The 2014 UN Climate Talks leave once again a bad taste in the mouth of many after the Lima Accords were passed on Saturday night in Lima, Peru. The devils of the past are, unfortunately, still alive. A usual impasse has marked every single UN Climate Conference ever since the groundbreaking Rio Summit in 1992, and the Lima Talks are no exception. On the contrary, the UN Climate Conference in Lima has, as no event before, demonstrated the sluggishness of the international community in acting together on climate change and has exposed the radical disbalance in standpoints between the rich North and poor South. In case someone expected a global breakthrough in tackling climate change in Lima, I have to disappoint you. This was the wrong place to visit.
READ MORENa Fakultetu političkih nauka u Sarajevu, jedna omanja grupa studenata ‘okuražila’ se da kroz program edukacije i obuke pokrene studentski časopis i web platformu.
READ MOREStepping onto the battlefield that rages over the issue of net neutrality, even as an observer, is enough to make your head spin. There is a vast amount of often contradictory information to process, with each faction that provides it chanting vigorously in defense of their own viewpoint. Soon you realize that each outcry sounds roughly the same, some version of “if our plans are not enacted, the beautiful internet you have come to love will be controlled and damaged by the wrong people, and end up just a shadow of its current self”.
READ MOREThe mandate of the Romanian president Traian Băsescu will end this December, so a first round of new presidential elections was scheduled for November 2nd. Shortly before the elections it was clear that there will be a second round, as none of the 14 candidates would have managed to obtain 50% of the votes.
READ MOREMinutes from the Youth Parliament Session – Bosnia and Herzegovina
READ MOREInterview with a Professor of EU governance from Central European University, Mr. Uwe Puetter
READ MOREOn 1st of November 2014, the new European Commission with Jean-Claude Juncker as President started its mandate. Among the first public events Mr. Juncker chose to attend are the presentation of Helmut Kohl’s book in Frankfurt and a debate with former Commission President Jacques Delors. The two people he decided to meet have, along with Francois Mitterrand, marked the process of building the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in the 1990s. This process is known to be characterized by the strong influence of the Franco-German engine of EU integration and the European Commission with a strong leader, Jacques Delors. I believe most of us can agree that in the meantime, we had three Commission Presidents that hardly left a mark.
READ MOREEach of these units has a specific demographic structure. Map (1) above shows that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is mostly composed of Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) and Bosnian Croats, while Bosnian Serbs are the majority in Republika Srpska. The District of Brčko on the other hand represents a mixture between Bosniaks and Bosnian Serbs (Nikolić, 2010).
READ MOREIntervju: prof. Nermina Mujagić o Opštim izborima i izbornom rezultatu u BiH