Bert R.G. Segier holds a Master degree in History and a Minor degree in Political Science. Professionally, Bert worked as a Political Adviser to a member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives in Brussels, as a Head of Cabinet of a Regional Government in Bruges and as a Communications Officer at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in Stockholm. After a brief experience at the Consulate-General of Belgium in London, he took the opportunity to work for the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), The Hague, initially as Consultant and currently as Projects Officer. Bert has been politically active on different levels. He focuses on international affairs, human rights and the rule of law. He enjoys history and moral philosophy. Bert is a correspondent for the Belgian-American newspaper the Gazette van Detroit and strongly supports the work of the NGO Eyes for the World. Twitter: @bgravitas; LinkedIn: