Conflicts are not only about incompatible interests. They are equally disagreements over why the conflict started in the first place. In the crisis between the West and Russia, diverting opinions and beliefs are evident, and both sides go at lengths to distort the narrative of the other. In this context “being right” should however not be the objective. Rather focus should be on how to address the underlying mistrust and feelings of betrayal expressed by both sides.
READ MOREThe Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between EU and Canada promises to create a better business environment on both sides of the Atlantic. When applied, the CETA will strive to remove customs duties, open up to the services market, end the restrictions on access to public contracts and support future investors. Moreover, the agreement is designed to support standards, especially those that Europeans are sensitive about such as food safety and worker’s rights.
READ MORECalais and Nauru. Two places in the world that could not be further from each other, both in distance and culture. However, there is one dark similarity that mirrors these two distinctly different regions; the astonishing human dumping ground that their governments have created within them. Dumping grounds we commonly refer to as refugee camps.
READ MOREThe preferential treatment granted by Ireland effectively configures as state aid, a practice which is not only incompatible with the internal market principles of free competition and non-discrimination, but also unethical.
READ MOREOrganisations working to reduce food waste, and those calling for a reduction in packaging, are competing for attention these days. Which of the issues is the most pressing? When looking at the bigger picture there can be no doubt; wasting food is creating hunger and potentially a lot more environmental problems than surplus packaging.
READ MORETTIP and CETA have stirred up quite a debate lately. Less discussed is the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), a trade deal for global services negotiated among the EU and 22 other countries since 2013. The EU should take firmer action in defending its values regarding corporate power and global cooperation.
READ MOREFollowing Brexit, the UK farming industry will lose £3 billion in EU subsidies. In its place a sustainable, logical reform has been proposed by the National Trust to pay farmers for environmental services. This should be seized.