Genome editing with “molecular scissors” is becoming the method of choice for plant breeding. It offers a huge potential regarding the food and nutrition security, which is so necessary because of the growing world population and increasing consumption of meat. However, some fear that this might be another genetically modified organism (GMO).
READ MOREAt the heart of the latest attempted military coup is the role the Turkish people played in quashing the coup.
READ MORENo, it is not beer. It is coffee. The beverage that inspired Johan Sebastian Bach to write the Coffee Cantata is a distinct and important part of our lives and cultures. Being a major export commodity nowadays, coffee is a part of the extremely developed market with a very complex production chain. While big coffee players are striving to be “green”, with a strong hue of sustainability, it is questionable how green it is, especially when considering the way coffee is being produced.
READ MOREThe outcome of the summit is predetermined and set to disappoint since it establishes no new obligation on member states.
READ MORENeonicotinoids are controversial pesticides that periodically steer political debate. Some call them bee-killing pesticides. Their defenders deny their impact on pollination and claim that without them we would be gambling with the food security. The fact is that the biodiversity of species involved in pollination and agriculture-related ecosystem services is disturbingly decreasing. And we need to stop that.
READ MOREDuring a meeting on how to manage refugees’ expectations, I was reprimanded by my superiors for adding to my introduction in resettlement interviews with refugees that there is no recognized right to resettlement. This is certainly not a shock to most people, but it was a shock to the people I interviewed. It certainly made them upset to hear it. My superiors said it was cruel. Working for a small aid organization, we turned down many in need refugees asking for financial, legal, and medical assistance, and yet none of that was deemed cruel.
READ MOREAs shale gas shipments cross the Atlantic to Scottish shores, the contentious fracking debate may re-ignite calling the Scottish Government to lift its moratorium under the guise of economic and energy security. This should be seen only as a ruse when sustainable options exist that do not needlessly add to an increasing global water crisis.
READ MOREAccording to IOM, up to June 2016 more than 2500 migrants have lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea in an attempt to flee hunger, persecution, and war. As an effort to fight the business model of migrant smugglers and save lives at sea, the EU has initiated EUNAVFOR Med, also known as Operation Sophia, in June 2015.