In 2012 and 2014 Karina Oborune was employed as a research assistant at University of Oxford and in 2013 and 2014-2015 as a researcher at University of Latvia and at University of Lucerne. In May 2014 she was employed at EU-Vox project and in 2012-2013 worked at the headquarters of ESN as a researcher at ESNSurvey team. She has received her BA degree from the University of Latvia and participated in the Erasmus exchange at Sciences Po in France, she has received her Masters in Political Science, Economics and Law from the University of Basel in Switzerland and at CEU in Budapest, Hungary. Ms. Oborune is currently a PhD Candidate in Political Science at University of Latvia, and member of EPSA, IAPSS, EUSA, UACES and BAICE. She has presented at 22 international conferences including University of Cambridge, EP Model in Strasbourg, UN Model in New York and is author of more than 11 academic publications.