• Filling the gaps: Contribution of CSOs in the management of refugee affairs in Eastern Africa

    Filling the gaps: Contribution of CSOs in the management of refugee affairs in Eastern Africa0

    African states have performed dual roles producing refugees while offering asylum to others. However the economic status of many receiving countries is too low to support provision of adequate basic services to their own citizenry and refugees are perceived as an extra burden. Civil society organizations have therefore taken on provision of vital services to fill this gap, complementing the work of UNHCR, the body mandated to safeguard and protect the rights of refugees.

  • Youth radicalization: the enemy within

    Youth radicalization: the enemy within0

    The rise in the number terrorist attacks carried out by nationals and citizens to their own states has brought to the fore the problem of youth radicalization. What is most striking is the changing profile of the terrorists who are perceived as intelligent individuals, mostly university students and graduates. There is therefore an urgent need for measures that reduce or altogether eliminate opportunities for youth radicalization. Security and community institutions need to be strengthened to provide deterrence and appropriate responses.