On 1st of November 2014, the new European Commission with Jean-Claude Juncker as President started its mandate. Among the first public events Mr. Juncker chose to attend are the presentation of Helmut Kohl’s book in Frankfurt and a debate with former Commission President Jacques Delors. The two people he decided to meet have, along with Francois Mitterrand, marked the process of building the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in the 1990s. This process is known to be characterized by the strong influence of the Franco-German engine of EU integration and the European Commission with a strong leader, Jacques Delors. I believe most of us can agree that in the meantime, we had three Commission Presidents that hardly left a mark.
READ MOREEach of these units has a specific demographic structure. Map (1) above shows that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is mostly composed of Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) and Bosnian Croats, while Bosnian Serbs are the majority in Republika Srpska. The District of Brčko on the other hand represents a mixture between Bosniaks and Bosnian Serbs (Nikolić, 2010).
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READ MOREIn this article, I aim to address the role of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) in the process of nation-building within Macedonia’s transition, understood as in the concept of quadruple transition presented by Kuzio. The liberal concept of nation-building provides the basic theoretical framework for the assessment of the impact of the OFA.
READ MOREPrije nekoliko dana čelnici zemalja Europske unije okupili su se u Milanu na izvanrednom Summitu o zaposlenosti, pri čemu su se obvezali uliti dodatnih 6 milijardi eura u ne tako davno (2013.) uspostavljenu inicijativu za suzbijanje nezaposlenosti mladih u Europskoj uniji pod nazivom «Garancija za mlade» (Youth Guarantee). Garancija za mlade ambiciozna je strategija
READ MOREKako nazvati predizborno šarenilo od plakata i glasila razasutih po Bosni i Hercegovini? Kako opisati terensku demokratiju, pusto ispražnjenu od svakog sadržaja, napose od političkog? Kako dati ozbiljan, analitičan pregled programa političkih stranaka, kada su njihove sadržaje zasenila lica, stara i nova ‘pamflet naslovnica’? Nema tu oduševljenja. Suzbijeno. Isto se gradivo potvrđuje godinama. Kao lošim