• Crossing the invisible borders:  Violence against refugee women

    Crossing the invisible borders: Violence against refugee women0

    The commotion caused by Köln events during New Year’s Eve, when organized gangs of man sexually assaulted and mugged women across the city, has brought to light the problem of sexual violence against women. This kind of violence, dramatic consequence of unequal power relations, is exercised worldwide: Let us think of the thousands of gang rape cases registered in India, or, not so far away, the statistics of the last survey of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights unveiling a 11 % of women who have experienced some form of sexual violence during their lives.

  • Are women the answer to Bangladesh’s climate question?

    Are women the answer to Bangladesh’s climate question?3

    The discourse at the international level has largely ignored gendered aspects and responses to climate mitigation issues. Several studies have proved that climate change has adverse impacts on the disadvantaged and poverty stricken groups, women being most affected amongst them.


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