Not least because sustainability has become a catch-all phrase, much ink has been spilled about the UN SDGs.
READ MOREEuropean Union’s approach towards Turkey reveals a blend of humanitarianism and a relentless security-oriented approach. This overlapping might benefit both sides, yet one aspect essential to the process remains unwittingly in the shadows: human and refugees’ rights.
READ MORE‘Inclusion’ and ‘youth participation’ are at the heart of youth policy at the moment. These concepts are, indeed, crucial when talking about future EU youth policy as our precious democracy is at stake.
READ MOREIn Paris, climate politics is normalizing. Unsuccessful coercion gives ways to voluntary measures; the top-down approach gives way to bottom-up climate diplomacy. After twenty long years, and in times of political turmoil, this can only mean progress.
READ MORE[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]This November, Macedonia received the 2015 European Commission progress report. In comparison with previous years, Roma issues became a less important target to address in the progress of Macedonia towards the EU. In my opinion, Roma became a political décor for the European Commission because consecutively the recommendations related to Roma are almost
READ MORENow that the Swiss are on board with the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), hiding behind the banking secrecy clause is no longer an option. Switzerland needs to let off this golden parachute and consider new strategic choices to keep its competitive position.
READ MOREMogherini calls for strong leadership to end the violence and to maintain the two-state solution as a sole pathway to peace in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Yet, recent grass root developments and local political shifts last March expose the blindness of this diplomatic hand wave.
READ MOREDespite having received a recommendation of admittance by the executive board of UNESCO, Kosovo did not become a member of this organisation since the required 2/3 majority of votes in favor of its bid were not obtained in November 2015.