After five years of struggle, a massive trade pact has been signed among the US, Japan and 10 other economies (mostly in Asia but also Latin America): the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
READ MOREThere is no price tag attached to my hand stretched out to refugees, people threatened by wars, and violent regimes. The humanitarian argument prevails over any cost-benefit analysis. But as a labor economist, I firmly believe it is my obligation to help us better understand the labor market impacts of immigration.
READ MOREA recent study by the UK’s Home Office found no evidence that “drug use in a country is affected by how “tough” or “soft” the government’s response is, showing that the severity of criminal penalties has little effect on drug use”.
READ MOREData shows that Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) is the only region where HIV infections are on rise among injection drug users.
READ MOREThe European Union is at a crossroads between facing more divisions and hostilities on the one hand, and working towards the integration of various heritages into the creation of a unified identity on the other.
READ MOREThe EU must drop its target for agrofuels which is putting food security at risk in many regions in Southeast Asia.