Human Rights Watch: A child we interviewed in 2015 said, “when I picture my future, I see nothing.
Caught between two stools? As University’s application deadlines are approaching, some young people might significantly relate to the idiom. Let’s face it, choosing an academic orientation can be a real dilemma. This is exactly why we have today an important number of global university rankings around the World. It was only a matter of time before the European Union also steps in. Launched in May 2014 between critics and excitement, U-Multirank was nonetheless very expected.
The well-known European Union’s mobility programme Erasmus+ has been widely discussed in the last few years by the so-called Eurostars and in the public sphere at large. So far the European Commission has ignored students with poor foreign language proficiency and students who come from low income families. Instead, such students should be encouraged to participate in mobility, giving them opportunity to learn host country’s language during the exchange and providing sufficient scholarship to cover their costs. Otherwise, a new gap will open between the mobile elite moving toward a European identity and the less mobile people sticking to national identity or even aggressive nationalism.