The announced rebuff of the Paris Climate Agreement by the world’s first economy will have profound impacts on renewable technologies investment. It will restrain investment opportunities, innovation and technology transfers, which are instrumental in meeting the carbon reduction vows of Paris.
READ MOREThe current structure of the budget of the European Union is not adequate to deal with the challenges Europe is facing today, which range from unemployment to terrorism and migration management. The expected budget shortfall after Brexit, however, can spur pressures to reform. At a time when the EU project needs to restore trust and legitimacy, I recommend that spending be focused in view of Europe’s greatest concerns, cutting back on current farm funding.
READ MOREDo China and the European Union have what it takes to remodel the global order? At least this is what some energy commentators were asking themselves upon the signing of deeper cooperation on fighting climate change.
READ MOREThe success of common EU and China climate ambitions will, to a large degree, depend on overcoming persistent disagreement in the fields of trade and investment.
READ MOREWhen the EU reported on it revised external policies in its neighbourhood, did it deliberately overlook its shortcomings and meagre deliverables? Is the EU shying away from following a harder line with southern neighbours to achieve the agreed-upon objectives of political reform? Worst still, is the maintenance of the status quo a goal in itself?
READ MOREIn 2015, Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, gave Canada its first cabinet made up of an equal number of men and women. When asked about the reason for his gender parity promise, he simply answered: “Because it’s 2015.”