The current policy landscape is not stringent enough to tackle the environmental impact of the fashion industry. The supply of unsustainable garments requires more regulation.
READ MORERobin Hud je bio heroj engleskog naroda. Legenda kaže da je živeo kao odmetnik koji je „pljačkao bogate i svoj plen davao siromašnima.“ Pitanje redistribucije bogatstva je na određen način pitanje da li je Robin Hud bio heroj čije se ime mora izgovarati sa određenim poštovanjem ili odmetnik koji zbog svojih nezakonitih dela u tadašnjoj
READ MOREIt became almost impossible to pretend that Hungary is still a democracy. The autocratic tendencies of Orban’s regime are difficult to counteract without strengthening the existent civic and political opposition that is being intimidated by the police state.
READ MORERussia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 as well as Russian verbal threats and provocations towards NATO and non-NATO members, have put European leaders on edge. Talks of a new Cold War have revitalized the role of NATO and made Sweden question its neutrality. But is the threat from Russia towards Sweden substantial enough for Sweden to abandon its neutrality policy? No, and here is why.
READ MOREThe high-speed double promotion of Martin Selmayr from European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s Head of Cabinet to secretary-general of the European Commission hardly went unnoticed. Selmayr succeeded the former secretary-general, Alexander Italianer, as the head of a workforce of 33,000 Commission civil servants in a matter of minutes. It wasn’t long before shots started getting fired from different directions.