In this article, I aim to address the role of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) in the process of nation-building within Macedonia’s transition, understood as in the concept of quadruple transition presented by Kuzio. The liberal concept of nation-building provides the basic theoretical framework for the assessment of the impact of the OFA.
READ MOREOne of the main goals of the post-Lisbon Institutional reforms was to make EU decision-making more efficient. Following many claims that EU legislative processes are overly bureaucratized, the main goal of such efforts was to make the EU law-making more fit for the many ongoing challenges requiring great institutional re-activeness. The result of such fitness operation is quite striking.
READ MORE“First they stole my idea, and then they poisoned others with it” is what owners of intellectual property (IP) are expected to say when their rights are infringed. If you believe that this is an overstatement, and that you are immune to this problem, think twice.
READ MOREAlthough in a small number of cases DNA-based evidence may be the single source on which a judge or jury reaches a verdict, it is commonly used to support evidence that is leading towards a particular conclusion, rather than as decisive evidence in its own right. Yet DNA-based evidence is invaluable, and arrangements should be made for it to be used in court, in light of and in line with the international initiatives to establish a global framework for forensic protocols.
READ MOREThe Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is presently being debated at the 12 round of negotiation (22-26 February 2016) of the controversial TTIP deal aimed at establishing a trade agreement between the EU and the US.
READ MOREWhat are the goals of the DiEM25 movement and what will it take for it to succeed