• Sacrificing sovereignty and human potential in the name of economic growth

    Sacrificing sovereignty and human potential in the name of economic growth0

    Why are countries so gripped in their quest for economic growth that they are empowering multinational corporations at the expense of their citizens? Instead of signing one-sided Bilateral Investment Treaties that chisel away at their domestic sovereignty, these countries should consider dropping their fixation with BITs, and focus on other ways in which to encourage mutually beneficial investment in sectors crucial to sustainable, pro-poor development.

  • Are we moving forward? – A new-generation of trade agreements for the EU

    Are we moving forward? – A new-generation of trade agreements for the EU0

    A reform of trade and investment agreements has been undergoing over the past ten years. While these agreements used to focus solely on facilitating the movement of goods and capitals, their scope is wider today and covers contemporary issues. The European trade policy also evolved and gave birth to a new-generation of free-trade agreements such as the ones concluded with Singapore, Canada or Vietnam. Several factors drove this wave of reform towards a more comprehensive approach to trade and should lead to further improvements.

  • Build a Better World – Study Public Policy

    Build a Better World – Study Public Policy0

    The School of Public Policy at Central European University is a global institution committed to creating a community of purpose beyond power through multi-disciplinary study of public policy, innovative teaching and research, as well as meaningful engagement with policy practice. We had the opportunity to talk with the current Acting Head of the institution, Martin Kahanec, who answered our questions about his recent research as well as the graduate programs and scholarships his Budapest-based school has to offer.

  • Basel 4 and European banks, are we safer now?

    Basel 4 and European banks, are we safer now?1

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has recently agreed on a new set of rules with more restrictive requirements for the banking sector. These provisions will force European banks to converge to standardised risk-weighting of their assets by 2027 and should create better harmonisation of international capital requirements.

  • Beware: Nobody wants to be lonely

    Beware: Nobody wants to be lonely0

    Ageing in Europe comes with more profound side effects than uncertain budgets and welfare state spending do. One of them is old age loneliness that exacerbates one’s health and social integration. Parallel to designing a policy framework on a communal level to combat loneliness, one should rightfully consider approaching the issue from an every-day, personal angle.

  • PESCO – One “Giant Leap” Towards European Defence?

    PESCO – One “Giant Leap” Towards European Defence?0

    PESCO, a dormant Lisbon Treaty provision to deepen defence integration among EU Member States, finally saw the light of day. While broad questions remain about the future of European defence, the initiative surely promises to be the biggest leap forward for the bloc’s defence policy in decades.