• Pretending to care for migrants

    Pretending to care for migrants0

    On August 20 the Italian ship U. Diciotti with approximately 190 refugees on board docked at the port of Catania, Sicily. Soon after, the Italian government refused to let people off the ship, under the orders of new interior minister Matteo Salvini. For five days the entire group was detained in the docked ship. Under pressure of international community, the passengers were finally allowed off the ship on August 26. A similar situation occurred in June 2018 with the vessel Aquarius, which has been refused access to ports in Italy and Malta in the end having gone to Spain.

  • The shady side of shadow banking monitoring

    The shady side of shadow banking monitoring0

    In the post-crisis scenario, monitoring the interconnectedness of traditional and shadow banks has been a major focus of international supervisors. Despite much improvement, the tools put in place to monitor shadow banking activities might not suffice to shed a proper light on the risks we are running.

  • Policy Research Internship

    Policy Research Internship31

    Politheor is accepting applications for interns who will be supporting the op-ed team over the course of four months. The internships are online-based, with both training and mentoring offered online. 


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