• Afghanistan – a safe third country?

    Afghanistan – a safe third country?0

    Recently the EU and the government of Afghanistan signed a readmission agreement, a deal made ‘migration sensitive’ as it transpires from an EU Restricted Country Fiche proposing possible leverages, dated March 2016. The EU pledges to provide financial aid for development and peace-building in exchange for Afghanistan’s approval to admit back failed asylum seeking nationals. Does this deal align with the principle of ‘non-refoulement’? Is Afghanistan a safe third country?

  • The challenge of integrating refugees into host countries’ labour markets

    The challenge of integrating refugees into host countries’ labour markets0

    In 2015, over 1.3 million people requested asylum in EU, representing more than double the number of applicants in 2014. During the first quarter of 2016, the number of persons seeking asylum from non-EU countries in the EU reached 287.100. The arrival of such an unprecedented number of asylum seekers poses an important challenge to the European Union and its Member States, that goes further than the humanitarian level and introduces the problem of socio-economic integration of the newly arrived refugees into their host countries.

  • Why are we neglecting refugee women and children?

    Why are we neglecting refugee women and children?0

    Calais and Nauru. Two places in the world that could not be further from each other, both in distance and culture. However, there is one dark similarity that mirrors these two distinctly different regions; the astonishing human dumping ground that their governments have created within them. Dumping grounds we commonly refer to as refugee camps.


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