The success of common EU and China climate ambitions will, to a large degree, depend on overcoming persistent disagreement in the fields of trade and investment.
READ MOREThe EU tends to be a credible force in fighting the illegal logging and related trade issues. For that reason, the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) in its essence fights illegal logging matters by prohibiting the placement of any illegally sourced timber and timber products on the European market. Three years after it entered into force, the regulation seems to be ineffective by failing to prohibit illegally logged wood products from entering the EU market. On top of that, the regulation could have a detrimental effect in developing countries by potentially harming their progress.
READ MOREIn the last weeks, the political leaders of Bosnia-Herzegovina have pushed the country into a new crisis. The reason behind it was the Serbian entity’s decision to hold a referendum on whether 9th January should become the Day of Republika Srpska. This was widely opposed by the Croats and Bosniaks in the country, and also by the EU.
READ MOREBig non-governmental organisations (NGOs) like Greenpeace can have enormous impact on people’s perceptions of environmental issues. Their campaign against genetically modified foods is a good example. However, when they use that influence to further their own agenda, rather than the public good, it can have very serious consequences.
READ MOREDuring times of crisis or discontent, people’s political preferences tend to adjust from mostly centrist towards more extreme ends of the spectrum, be it either left or right. The European far-right has been on the rise over the last few years. Populists have gained ground across the continent and Euroscepticism seems to be thriving, even against a much bigger pro-European movement. The centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) is the biggest political group in the European Parliament and has been a steady pro-European factor for years. However, its position could soon be compromised.
READ MOREWhen the EU reported on it revised external policies in its neighbourhood, did it deliberately overlook its shortcomings and meagre deliverables? Is the EU shying away from following a harder line with southern neighbours to achieve the agreed-upon objectives of political reform? Worst still, is the maintenance of the status quo a goal in itself?