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  • Teorijska razmatranja o pojmu međunarodne zajednice0

    Dileme o postojanju međunarodne zajednice ili međunarodnog društva su sve prisutnije u intelektualnim raspravama, jer različiti teorijski pravci u okviru zajednice različito posmatraju i definiraju subjekte i činioce te zajednice. Tako u okvirima realizma i neorealizma strukturu međunarodne zajednice čine države, dok po liberalizmu, neoliberalizmu, institucionalizmu i konstruktivizmu strukturu međunarodne zajednice čine svi legitimni subjekti

  • Tax avoidance policy: can we balance morality and economy?

    Tax avoidance policy: can we balance morality and economy?0

    Recently, the EU has found itself in a precarious position, given the supranational and national law systems overlapping with each other and creating tax loopholes. A position the EU wants to do away with, as demonstrated by its last anti-tax avoidance initiative. Only, is a simple application of a fair profit distribution dogma really the answer to the tax avoidance problem?

  • Talking to my daughter about the economy (Book review)

    Talking to my daughter about the economy (Book review)0

    I expected a lot from Varoufakis’s economics for teenagers. I believe that basics of economics and entrepreneurship must be part of the high school curricula (possibly even of the last grades of the elementary school). Citizens who possess basic economic knowledge could more easily understand manipulations performed by politicians (when salaries and pensions are cut to finance party employment in the public sector); they would know that market prices depend on other people’s tastes and ability to pay, and not on the nature of the capitalist who produce them; or they would know that there is no such a thing as free meal – when the government gives you something for free, someone always had to pay for it.

  • Tackling elitism in education: What does that mean for France?

    Tackling elitism in education: What does that mean for France?1

    The failure of top-down technocratic climate policy to accelerate decarbonization of the economy has provoked environmentalists to experiment with the idea of divestment in fossil fuel corporations. However arousing excitement among the Left, good intentions don’t always make for good policy.

  • Tackle terrorism, not conservatism

    Tackle terrorism, not conservatism0

    Many have rushed to blame religious conservatism for a surge in terror attacks, citing Islamist extremism as the root of increased violence. Conflating the issues of terrorism and religious conservatism is not only simplistic, it is also dangerous and short-sighted. It alienates those very same communities who are our best allies in curbing the spreading of home-grown terror. An effective answer to domestic terrorism should focus on socioeconomic issues, not on religious conservatism.

  • Switzerland/EU automatic exchange of information: the beginning of an end for the Swiss banking industry?

    Switzerland/EU automatic exchange of information: the beginning of an end for the Swiss banking industry?1

    Now that the Swiss are on board with the Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), hiding behind the banking secrecy clause is no longer an option. Switzerland needs to let off this golden parachute and consider new strategic choices to keep its competitive position.