Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention is the only binding mechanism in Europe on combating violence against women and domestic violence. Five years after the Convention was opened for signature, why have only 19 countries ratified it so far?
READ MOREAccording to the speeches on the inauguration day of the newly re-shaped Frontex agency, it seems that the European Union has found the best antidote to the migration challenge so far: the novelty has been labelled a “milestone” in the history of border politics and solidarity between Member States. But Frontex’ new aims focus foremost on control and monitoring, whilst little is said about the asylum system and the refugees’ rights.
READ MORE“We need balance between users and service providers which ensures equal treatment and no discrimination”[1], insists one of the youngest European Parliament’s members, Eva Paunova, during the panel discussions on Net neutrality at the European Dialog on the Internet Governance (EuroDig 2015). This argument is not new for these debates that have been ongoing since the late 1990s[2]; however, something has changed.
READ MOREThe 2016 NATO Summit held in Warsaw has now ended. As expected, one of the main topics on the agenda was NATOs strategic response to Russia, which included debates about tactical troop positioning and other deterrence measures. What the summit – at least publicly – did not address, is the reason for the standoff between NATO and Russia and how NATO plans to prevent it from escalating.
READ MOREUvodna skica problema Multikulturalizam se danas, barem prema mišljenju sve brojnijih kritičara, nalazi na samrtnoj postelji, bez mnogo prijatelja koji će ga oplakivati. Premda se, na prvi pogled, može učiniti da se raspoloženje javnosti „preko noći” okrenulo protiv nekadašnjeg miljenika savremene političke teorije i evropskih javnih politika, važno je naglasiti da kritika multikulturnih ideja i
READ MORERecently, the satirical French weekly paper Charlie Hebdo, a publication which became well-known internationally due to the horrific event of the mass shooting of its staff by two French gunmen of Algerian descent in January 2015, has once again hit the headlines around the world, this time not as a victim, but as the perpetrator of a different crime: intolerance towards the Muslim community in France.