Inequality is rising, wages are declining, local businesses are dying, and poverty remains; resources are being exhausted and climate change is destroying ecosystems whilst increasing the magnitude of natural disasters. Meanwhile, international trade deals that exasperate all of these problems continue to be agreed behind closed doors. In the name of profit, power and domination, the world’s rich elite continue to ensure our planet’s resources and wealth remain monopolised in their hands whilst presenting us with a glossy façade of global trade deals as essential for our prosperity. It is against this backdrop that voices have been raised in Malaysia, demanding trade agreements incorporate a radical, pro-people, pro-environment ‘people’s charter’.
READ MOREFrom August 2016 through the harsh winter, indigenous communities alongside environmentalists and activists had been protesting in the State of North Dakota, USA. They advocated against the completion of a pipeline that would transfer oil through four States to reach refineries and consumers.
READ MOREIndia is the world’s largest provider of affordable medicine to developing countries. Given its ethical and economic implications, should India join a partnership agreement containing a provision as damaging as TRIPS Plus?
READ MOREOn June 8, the G7 agreed on the notorious two degrees target of global warming. In a rare moment of agreement, politicians, environmentalists and corporations signaled their approval of a ‘policy’ which is diversionary at best and socially regressive at worst.
READ MOREO pojmu suvereniteta do danas su se razvila i formulisala mnoga mišljenja i teorije, no, prvi tragovi upotrebe ovog pojma sežu do rimskog carstva, i u daleku 1576. godinu kada je Žan Boden u svom fundamentalom djelu Šest knjiga o republici, iskovao i razvio pojam suvereniteta kao glavnu temu političkog i pravnog mišljenja. U tim