Preserving ecosystems via trade – A long way ahead for the EU’s fight against illegal logging.
READ MOREWith anti-Europe sentiment rising through Member States, the EU is facing a crisis of faith. The Energy Union provides an argument for continued European integration, with energy democratisation as the key to its success.
READ MOREDuring a meeting on how to manage refugees’ expectations, I was reprimanded by my superiors for adding to my introduction in resettlement interviews with refugees that there is no recognized right to resettlement. This is certainly not a shock to most people, but it was a shock to the people I interviewed. It certainly made them upset to hear it. My superiors said it was cruel. Working for a small aid organization, we turned down many in need refugees asking for financial, legal, and medical assistance, and yet none of that was deemed cruel.
READ MOREThe School of Public Policy at Central European University is a global institution committed to creating a community of purpose beyond power through multi-disciplinary study of public policy, innovative teaching and research, as well as meaningful engagement with policy practice. We had the opportunity to talk with the current Acting Head of the institution, Martin Kahanec, who answered our questions about his recent research as well as the graduate programs and scholarships his Budapest-based school has to offer.
READ MOREPOZICIJA SOCIJALNE POLITIKE U IDEJI EVROPSKIH INTEGRACIJA Osnova je ustanovljena već Rimskim ugovorom iz 1957. godine afirmisanjem velikih sloboda, ukidanja diskriminacije izmedju radnika država članica, principa jednakog tretmana i jednakosti nagradjivanja, ali tek Samitom u Parizu 1972. godine i Programom socijalne akcije 1974. godine regulacija socijalne politike postaje vidljivija na evropskom nivou. Preko Jedinstvenog evropskog
READ MOREUvodna razmatranja Prognoziranje budućnosti društva na evropskom kontinentu, čak i pri korišćenju najsavremenijih metoda predikcije, često je neprecizno. Razlog tome je turbulentnost društvenih sistema uspostavljenih na tlu Evrope koja se, pre svega, ogleda u dinamičnim promenama koje pogađaju ekonomske sisteme i u visokom stepenu varijabiliteta faktora koji deluju na ekonomiju Evrope. Jednostavno ekstrapoliranje pokazatelja stanja