The terrifyingly bad-value Hinkley Point C deal based on out-dated renewables projections and unproven nuclear technology offers an already archaic answer to a problem that could be solved with ever- cheaper alternative renewables. Instead, affirmation of the nuclear renaissance for the UK demonstrates a desperate grasp at international cooperation in the wake of Brexit.
READ MOREAt the end of 2015 the world was full of hope. After 23 years of postponing, staling and log-rolling, we finally had a global agreement on climate change. Even countries that had long been skeptical about global warming, like the US and China, were ready to take action. The world community promised to keep global warming well below 2°C. It finally looked like states, citizens and businesses would be taking the right path.
READ MOREThe 2014 UN Climate Talks leave once again a bad taste in the mouth of many after the Lima Accords were passed on Saturday night in Lima, Peru. The devils of the past are, unfortunately, still alive. A usual impasse has marked every single UN Climate Conference ever since the groundbreaking Rio Summit in 1992, and the Lima Talks are no exception. On the contrary, the UN Climate Conference in Lima has, as no event before, demonstrated the sluggishness of the international community in acting together on climate change and has exposed the radical disbalance in standpoints between the rich North and poor South. In case someone expected a global breakthrough in tackling climate change in Lima, I have to disappoint you. This was the wrong place to visit.