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    • Cradle-to-cradle™ and the circular economy: are we kidding ourselves on consumption?

      Cradle-to-cradle™ and the circular economy: are we kidding ourselves on consumption?2

      With the recently presented Circular Economy Package (CEP) the EU wants to implement what chemist-turned-business visionary Michael Braungart and his architect friend William McDonough have trademarked cradle-to-cradle™:  In a circular economy no product goes to waste that is from cradle to grave, every material re-enters the production/consumption cycle – from cradle to cradle. Let’s not get carried away by a good idea.

    • Circular economy: a window of opportunity for a cleaner globe

      Circular economy: a window of opportunity for a cleaner globe1

      Recent international commitments indicate that humankind is recognizing the seriousness of the climate issue. And that is a great thing. But now it is important to act, which can be very difficult within our existing paradigms. How is the EU dealing with this ? Are there any windows of opportunity?

    • UK Patent box: a real motor for growth?

      UK Patent box: a real motor for growth?0

      The LuxLeaks scandals brought to light how multinationals in the EU avoided paying millions of dollars in corporate taxes. A year after, the OECD presented the final package of the international tax reforms discussed previously by the G20 finance ministers. One of its key focuses is the amendment of the IP (intellectual property) regime, such as the patent box regime, so it can create real activity, as opposed to only a way to shift profits for multinationals. The question now is whether the changes will spur growth or not.

    • That is my name! – The battle for the name Macedonia

      That is my name! – The battle for the name Macedonia6

      Amid the political crisis, recently the agenda swiftly shifted to the everlasting issue which burdens the country’s progress in the Euro-Atlantic integrations. The use of the name “Macedonia”, or the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, once again became a hotly debated issue after the Macedonian Prime Minister made a confusing set of statements this month for the international and national media.

    • EU-PNR directive: Overlooking EU fundamental rights will not make Europe safer

      EU-PNR directive: Overlooking EU fundamental rights will not make Europe safer2

      On 2 December 2015, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties (LIBE) Committee endorsed a directive on “the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime” (EU-PNR). It seems, therefore, that the long journey of the EU-PNR directive – initially proposed in 2011 – is coming to its end, as the European Parliament (EP) is expected to hold a final vote in February 2016. However, this directive still seems strongly contestable – and contested – on the grounds that it jeopardizes EU citizens’ fundamental rights to privacy and data protection (Art. 7 and 8), while its effectiveness in fighting terrorism remains unclear

    • Why the Paris Climate Agreement matters in Afghanistan

      Why the Paris Climate Agreement matters in Afghanistan0

      Afghanistan is a war-torn country highly vulnerable to natural disasters. The international community’s support, which Paris Climate Agreement should guarantee, is a source of hope for Afghanistan to tackle the impacts of climate change, to ensure food security and to fight unemployment and radicalization. Climate policy is social policy.


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