Indigenous leaders called on the European Union to not grant bigger access to its agricultural market until Brazilian president Bolsonaro refrains from deforesting the Amazonian rainforest and cutting back indigenous rights. The EU has a responsibility to preserve the environment for future generations.
READ MOREIn a recent article conveyed by, Attila Marján put forward numerous assumptions concerning the change of the blocking and policy-shaping power of the Visegrad Group – V4 (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) in the post-Lisbon era of the Council of the European Union (Council). The author voiced his concerns amid the most recent changes in the Council voting system ushered in by the 2009 Lisbon Treaty, only to be implemented this November.
READ MOREAmid the political crisis, recently the agenda swiftly shifted to the everlasting issue which burdens the country’s progress in the Euro-Atlantic integrations. The use of the name “Macedonia”, or the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, once again became a hotly debated issue after the Macedonian Prime Minister made a confusing set of statements this month for the international and national media.
READ MOREThe European Union, which started a process of legitimizing itself as an Arctic actor, and created a basis for its own foreign policy in the Arctic in 2008, was once again denied the status of full Arctic Council observer.
READ MOREDileme o postojanju međunarodne zajednice ili međunarodnog društva su sve prisutnije u intelektualnim raspravama, jer različiti teorijski pravci u okviru zajednice različito posmatraju i definiraju subjekte i činioce te zajednice. Tako u okvirima realizma i neorealizma strukturu međunarodne zajednice čine države, dok po liberalizmu, neoliberalizmu, institucionalizmu i konstruktivizmu strukturu međunarodne zajednice čine svi legitimni subjekti