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  • Lobbying law in Croatia: haven’t we waited long enough?

    Lobbying law in Croatia: haven’t we waited long enough?0

    Imagine yourself working in a state of legal uncertainty, not really knowing what you are allowed to do and what not. Have you? Good. Now remember that there is a regulation in place that protects you as worker (by defining your profession) giving you certain rights, as there is at least one for almost every type of work. Well, there is, however, no regulation or a job description for lobbyists in any official document issued by the Croatian government. Professional lobbyists in Croatia have thus been working under dubious conditions for the last 20 years, some of them as business consultants and others as lawyers under the protection of Croatian labor law.

  • Let the next round for the lives of the bees begin

    Let the next round for the lives of the bees begin3

    Neonicotinoids are controversial pesticides that periodically steer political debate. Some call them bee-killing pesticides. Their defenders deny their impact on pollination and claim that without them we would be gambling with the food security. The fact is that the biodiversity of species involved in pollination and agriculture-related ecosystem services is disturbingly decreasing. And we need to stop that.

  • Less employment protection, more jobs?

    Less employment protection, more jobs?0

    Following the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the subsequent great recession, many of the OECD countries implemented structural reforms on employment protection legislation, aiming to enhance the flexibility of the labor market. This was believed to have a positive influence in preventing the reduction of existing jobs and promoting the creation of new ones. But do flexibility-enhancing reforms actually contribute to boosting employment?

  • Kosovo: Moving forward with the integration of Serbs?

    Kosovo: Moving forward with the integration of Serbs?1

    Whether with more or less autonomy, the association seems like the best option for all stakeholders providing a clearer delimitation and consolidation of Kosovo, consequently its potential broader recognition in an international sphere and normalization of relations with Belgrade and with the EU.

  • Kosovo in UNESCO?

    Kosovo in UNESCO?0

    Despite having received a recommendation of admittance by the executive board of UNESCO, Kosovo did not become a member of this organisation since the required 2/3 majority of votes in favor of its bid were not obtained in November 2015.

  • Killer cotton: Fashion’s parasitic relationship with Indian farmers

    Killer cotton: Fashion’s parasitic relationship with Indian farmers11

    Clothing manufacturers are preying on the developing world for their cheap capital and labor to maintain speedy production. Fast fashion, the business model behind this, has increased demand for cotton used to produce most garments. Indian farmers provide a cheap version of the crop, a version genetically modified by seed monopolist Monsanto, which has created an inescapable dependency on the company; perpetuating bankruptcies, illnesses, and ultimately suicides.