Prije nekoliko dana čelnici zemalja Europske unije okupili su se u Milanu na izvanrednom Summitu o zaposlenosti, pri čemu su se obvezali uliti dodatnih 6 milijardi eura u ne tako davno (2013.) uspostavljenu inicijativu za suzbijanje nezaposlenosti mladih u Europskoj uniji pod nazivom «Garancija za mlade» (Youth Guarantee). Garancija za mlade ambiciozna je strategija
READ MOREThe decision of President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States of America from the Paris Agreement shocked the international community. After his decision (which, according to Article 28, of the agreement, cannot take place earlier than 4th November 2020) to abandon this historic climate pact that brought together all the countries in the world – with the exception of Syria and Nicaragua – is there still hope for an ambitious climate policy that keeps global warming “far below 2º C”?
READ MOREFrench society holds its breath till the 5th May of 2015, the day when the final decision on the Anti-terrorism Bill proposal will be made. And they well have a reason to be afraid.
READ MOREA new universal agenda including 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets was established in New York this September. It is a complex agenda with interlinked issues, which requires an “orchestrator of orchestrators” to ensure an effective and fair implementation process.
READ MOREA famous proverb says “Firewood yields ash”. But the established practice of using firewood as a source of energy in Afghanistan yields more than ash. Rapid deforestation, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions are the costs of depending on firewood. These challenges first require establishing the rule of law. Then the government must show determination by implementing relevant policies.
READ MOREThe Finnish Immigration Service operates a 20-bed facility in the city of Lahti offering mental health care services to asylum seekers. However, this unit is the only one of the type in the whole country and is insufficient and constantly full.