In recent months, the EU has been extensively criticized for its inability to deal with Europe’s largest humanitarian crisis in the last decades. The Commission as well as the Member states received negative cover because of dedicating financial resources to border protection rather than integration of refugees. This op-ed describes how the Commission and universities across Europe could work together to integrate refugees in the EU’s societies.
READ MOREGood governance in African countries is key to achieving the sustainable development goals. Observance of basic tenets of rule of law is the foundation upon which development thrives. I see the success of the sustainable development goals premised on the ability of individual countries to establish and respect the rule of law.
READ MOREThe outcome of the summit is predetermined and set to disappoint since it establishes no new obligation on member states.
READ MORE… U martu mesecu tekuće godine, jedna mala grupa ‘društvenjaka’, okupila se oko regionalnog politheor projekta. Projekat okuplja studente osnovnih, master, doktorskih studija, aktiviste i istraživače, a princip kojim se vodimo jeste svake nedelje kandidovati po jednu, društveno aktuelnu temu, na koju razmenjujemo mišljenja i komentare. Ove nedelje na red je došla vrlo živa tema:
READ MOREUber’s announcement to add self-driving cars to its usual taxi services in the United States is as unexpected as it is indicative of the automated future of the sharing economy. Governments should limit their efforts to regulate the rapidly-evolving sharing economy and instead focus on developing relevant skills.