• Calling for a right to resettlement ahead of UN refugee summit

    Calling for a right to resettlement ahead of UN refugee summit1

    During a meeting on how to manage refugees’ expectations, I was reprimanded by my superiors for adding to my introduction in resettlement interviews with refugees that there is no recognized right to resettlement. This is certainly not a shock to most people, but it was a shock to the people I interviewed. It certainly made them upset to hear it. My superiors said it was cruel. Working for a small aid organization, we turned down many in need refugees asking for financial, legal, and medical assistance, and yet none of that was deemed cruel.

  • What use is gas if we have no water?

    What use is gas if we have no water?4

    As shale gas shipments cross the Atlantic to Scottish shores, the contentious fracking debate may re-ignite calling the Scottish Government to lift its moratorium under the guise of economic and energy security. This should be seen only as a ruse when sustainable options exist that do not needlessly add to an increasing global water crisis.

  • Saving lives or shirking responsibility? – Scrutinizing “Operation Sophia”

    Saving lives or shirking responsibility? – Scrutinizing “Operation Sophia”1

    According to IOM, up to June 2016 more than 2500 migrants have lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea in an attempt to flee hunger, persecution, and war. As an effort to fight the business model of migrant smugglers and save lives at sea, the EU has initiated EUNAVFOR Med, also known as Operation Sophia, in June 2015.