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  • Refugee diaspora groups: Bridges between civil society and the state

    Refugee diaspora groups: Bridges between civil society and the state0

    What type of government or society do we imagine when confronted with a problem as dire and encompassing as the refugee crisis? Recently, the OECD urged the European member states to scale-up and adapt to the refugee crisis. Yet it remains unclear and opaque what this adaptability should look like, how it should take form and what the role of civil society might be. What is clear is that instead of pointing fingers at other states, governments should take an empowering stance towards their own civil society and refugee diaspora groups.

  • Realpolitik still determines EU responses to Rule of Law threats. Here is why.

    Realpolitik still determines EU responses to Rule of Law threats. Here is why.0

    A decisive action against Poland and Hungary for violating the Rule of Law has been vocally called by many in Brussels and beyond. However, EU Institutions have failed to take effective action against their infants terribles so far. This can be explained by Member States’ reluctance to accept EU intrusion in national constitutional matters and by the Commission’s unwillingness to create tensions with national public opinions.

  • Ready, Set, Go: Fighting Olympic Corruption

    Ready, Set, Go: Fighting Olympic Corruption0

    The preparation of the Olympic Games ends on a false note. In recent weeks, numerous scandals flooded news outlets all over the world. Be it the recent doping revelations, inconsistent awarding procedures or domestic cases of corruption that started with Petrobras and led to the impeachment of President Dilma Roussef. However, there is a straightforward solution for the IOC (International Olympic Committee) to mitigate the scandals related to the construction of the Olympic infrastructure: transparency in public procurement procedures.

  • Qatar working conditions 2.0?

    Qatar working conditions 2.0?0

    Qatar is hosting the next world cup in 2022. Major sports events are prone to labour and other human rights violations, reason for which it is essential to revisit the situation of the richest country in the world, which combines both an image of luxury and of extreme poverty.

  • Putting local food back into our cities

    Putting local food back into our cities0

    Food has never been under the policy remit of cities, primarily since it’s cultivated outside of our cities in peripheral and rural areas. Nevertheless, in recent years’ food has emerged as a topic of discussion within urban agendas.

  • Putin’s fan club on the rise in Europe and America

    Putin’s fan club on the rise in Europe and America0

    In 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and involved itself in the secessionist wars of Donetsk and Luhansk, the consequent international sanctions from the European Union and America signaled an end to Russia’s positive diplomatic relations with the west. Now, almost three years later, these sanctions have failed to act as a deterrent for Putin to yield Russia’s control over the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine.