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  • Circular economy: a window of opportunity for a cleaner globe

    Circular economy: a window of opportunity for a cleaner globe1

    Recent international commitments indicate that humankind is recognizing the seriousness of the climate issue. And that is a great thing. But now it is important to act, which can be very difficult within our existing paradigms. How is the EU dealing with this ? Are there any windows of opportunity?

  • Chronicles of Nauru: Outsourced

    Chronicles of Nauru: Outsourced0

    Australia’s refugee policy has been a festering wound for the past three years. On August 10th the wound exploded when The Guardian revealed 2,100 reported incidents of the offshore detention centre in Nauru. Most of the attention has been rightly devoted to the abuses themselves. Yet, at the same time it occludes a more widespread, global problem: the risks of outsourcing.

  • Christmas is a meat feast: Let it at least be special!

    Christmas is a meat feast: Let it at least be special!0

    Ensnared by the heavily subsidized meat industry, our growing ‘desire’ for meat is one of the major causes of health problems and environmental degradation. Not only does our excessive meat consumption put a heavy strain on resources, it also contributes to climate change. Since we are literally eating up our chances for a sustainable planet, Europe’s New Year’s resolution should be to cut down on meat.

  • Chlorine chicken on British plates?

    Chlorine chicken on British plates?0

    Back when I was living in Vietnam, I bought and cooked a pale looking chicken, which left large rashes over my hands. I never got to know what exactly caused this reaction, but this experience reinforced my cautiousness regarding transformed foodstuff and my aversion for chlorine chicken. This feeling is shared by many across Europe, including in the UK where 82% of the population recently declared they would rather ditch a trade deal with the US than let chlorine chicken into their plates. However, this agreement is very likely to happen, and citizens may not have a say in the matter.

  • Chile turns its back on neoliberalism with a policy of free higher education

    Chile turns its back on neoliberalism with a policy of free higher education5

    A couple of days ago a friend from my fellowship asked me “Is it true that Universities in Chile will be tuition-free and funded by corporate taxes?” Well, to be honest I have never put it in that way, but yes, the answer to my friend’s question is that it is true.

  • Childhood is not a crime

    Childhood is not a crime0

    The US government is manipulating migrants by not bringing their children back. How is it possible that children became a blackmailing tool?