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  • U-Multirank – shaking up the traditional World University Rankings?

    U-Multirank – shaking up the traditional World University Rankings?0

    Caught between two stools? As University’s application deadlines are approaching, some young people might significantly relate to the idiom. Let’s face it, choosing an academic orientation can be a real dilemma. This is exactly why we have today an important number of global university rankings around the World. It was only a matter of time before the European Union also steps in. Launched in May 2014 between critics and excitement, U-Multirank was nonetheless very expected.

  • Turkish coup d’état: a failed test for the EU

    Turkish coup d’état: a failed test for the EU1

    In the aftermath of the abortive Putsch orchestrated by the Turkish military, the EU finds itself in a slippery position in the attempt to offset its geopolitical concerns against the upholding of the values it promotes as a normative power. The Union’s leaders have not understood neither the substance of the golpe nor its implications, whereas the EU’s own role in the scenario should be much more pivotal.

  • Turkey: Who’s the enemy?

    Turkey: Who’s the enemy?0

    The repression of Kurds in Turkey has been a long lasting situation, leading to violent outbreaks between the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and the Turkish state. The latest cease fire ended in 21 July 2015 and from then on attacks have been undertaken on Kurd majority areas in southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq, one of the most recent being the killing of 32 on the 10 January 2015.

  • TTIP:  Solution looking for a problem

    TTIP: Solution looking for a problem0

    Being designed to promote trade and multilateral economic growth, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. In its essence, the agreement aims to boost the trade by removing trade barriers as well as to expand corporate profits through the standardization of the legal regulations in the US and EU.

  • TTIP, CETA, TPP and… another secret trade deal

    TTIP, CETA, TPP and… another secret trade deal1

    TTIP and CETA have stirred up quite a debate lately. Less discussed is the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), a trade deal for global services negotiated among the EU and 22 other countries since 2013. The EU should take firmer action in defending its values regarding corporate power and global cooperation.

  • Trust through transparency?

    Trust through transparency?0

    There is a general sense that our political institutions are experiencing a crisis of trust. Only recently, the Luxembourg tax scandal – under Jean-Claude Juncker the country signed secret tax deals with 350 international companies – caused a public outcry. Indirectly related to this crisis are the many transparency provisions with which the European Union seeks to achieve legitimacy in the eyes of its citizens. Can a lack of trust be remedied with a large dose of openness?