• The irony of a UK exit that Brexiters are missing

    The irony of a UK exit that Brexiters are missing0

    As pro-Brexit voters push for Britain to leave the EU, their arguments fail to take into consideration the paradox that their leaving might cause: the UK’s move from prominent policy maker within Brussels, to being at the whim of decisions made in the EU without their input. The UK march for autonomy would in fact be undermined by the geography and trade links that would likely ensure a sustained close relationship between the UK and the EU, governed by the very EU energy policy that the ‘out’ campaign are trying to escape.

  • EU climate policy: Energy market integration as political disintegration?

    EU climate policy: Energy market integration as political disintegration?0

    Climate and energy policy are no match made in heaven. For Poland the EU’s climate policy ambitions are particularly hard to swallow. The government’s reluctance to transform its coal-based electricity sector puts the EU climate policy and energy market integration to the test.

  • Which way for Scottish wind energy?

    Which way for Scottish wind energy?0

    Scotland’s vast wilderness and potential for development in wind and wave energy has earned it the label of the ‘Saudi Arabia of renewables’; a concept that the SNP were quick to seize on during their campaign for independence.


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