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    Mathis Hampel

    Mathis Hampel holds a PhD in Social Science and Public Policy from King's College London. Trained as a natural scientist with a BSc in Ecosystem Analysis from Lund University, and an MSc in Physical Geography from Exeter University, Mathis became more and more interested in the politics of global governance. As science student equipped with expert knowledge of both the science and the politics of, inter alia, climate change and geoengineering, he is particularly interested in how knowledge and social order are co-produced across space and time.

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    Gianna Merki

    Gianna has a degree in Law, and graduate degrees in Social Policy and in International Relations. She also took courses in data journalism, teaching skills, training for trainers, critical thinking, electoral observation, conflict mediation. She collaborated with NGOs in Belgrade, Prishtina, Lisbon, and is a conflict mediator, editor, proofreader and translator. She is a member of the Coordinating Collective of DiEM25 - Democracy in Europe Movement and a member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice.

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    Michele Federle

    Michele Federle is currently pursuing a Master's degree in International Economic Policy at Sciences Po Paris, France. He was also a student at the Scuola di Politiche, Rome, the public policy school founded by former Italian PM Enrico Letta. Among his professional experiences are included internships at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt and at the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung in Mannheim, Germany. His research interests encompass global financial governance, European integration and macroeconomics.

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    Ays Sirakaya

    Ays is currently working towards her PhD at Ghent University, Faculty of Law, Department of European Public and International Law. Her PhD topic concerns the legal protection of urban biodiversity. Ays also works as a consultant on biosafety regulations and WTO at the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations.

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    Francesca Coppola

    After graduating from Università Cattolica in Milan, Francesca attended a MSc in Political Economy of Europe at the London School of Economics and she is now about to obtain her Master degree in International Economic Policy from Sciences Po Paris. Before her internship at Politheor, she interned at the Representation of the European Commission in the UK. Her main research interests include the International Monetary System, Financial Regulation and European Governance.

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    Simon Marijsse

    Simon Marijsse holds both a Master’s degree in Public Policy and one in Philosophy (from Ghent University and KU Leuven). After having worked as post lauream researcher at the Jean Jacobs Institute in Bologna, he chose to specialize in Conflict & Development Studies at Ghent University. Inspired by live field work in the Middle-East, Simon currently aims at bridging local grass roots developments with new modes of globalization and rhetorical analysis of policy mechanisms. His interests involve EU foreign policy, historical and contemporary Arab-West relations, and the modalities of subjectivity, identity and state-building practices in the wider MENA region.

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    Beatrice Mumbi

    I am a Kenyan national currently pursuing an MA in Public Policy and Administration. I am currently working with an international refugee-serving organization Kenya as the regional advocacy officer covering five countries in Eastern Africa. Previously, I have worked with organizations promoting human rights and civil society development both in Kenya and in the islands of the South Pacific (Vanuatu and Fiji). My interests include democratization in Africa, African foreign policies, immigration and asylum policies and sustainable development.

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    Sanja Sontor

    Sanja Sontor is a founder and CEO of EduManufaktura, a non-profit organization whose aim is to increase the public awareness and available information across the Balkans on the opportunities and advantages of international higher education. Before founding EduManufaktura, Sanja worked as an analyst and a consultant for international companies and government agencies in the US and in Portugal. Her main professional interests include social policy and welfare state, with an emphasis on education and immigration. Sanja holds a Master of Public Policy degree from the Hertie School of Governance and a Master’s degree in Economics and Business from the University of Zagreb, where she was also awarded a degree in Portuguese language and literature.

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    Ahmad Shariq

    Ahmad Shariq holds a Bachelor in Business Management from Bangalore University, India and is currently in his second year of the Public Policy Masters program at ADA University, Azerbaijan. He is interested in environmental policies, green solutions to different environmental issues and sustainable development of natural resources.

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    Athena Tacet

    Athena Tacet is a journalist and editor specializing in foreign affairs, human rights and socio-political issues. Her writings have appeared in Al Jazeera English, The Huffington Post, Slate Magazine, and Embassy Magazine, a weekly Canadian foreign policy newspaper. She holds a BA in political science, a Certificate in Modern Arabic language and culture, a Graduate diploma in journalism and undertook a Master's degree in public policy at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Her interests include the EU foreign policy, issues related to immigration and asylum policies, as well as nationalism and identity politics in Europe.

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    Natasha Emily Foote

    Natasha holds a BSc in Biological Sciences from the University of Bristol and an MA in Environment, Development and Policy from the University of Sussex. She has a particular interest in issues of food production and alternative approaches to agriculture, as well as in conservation, notably the ways in which human and conservation interests conflict.

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    Karina Oborune

    In 2012 and 2014 Karina Oborune was employed as a research assistant at University of Oxford and in 2013 and 2014-2015 as a researcher at University of Latvia and at University of Lucerne. In May 2014 she was employed at EU-Vox project and in 2012-2013 worked at the headquarters of ESN as a researcher at ESNSurvey team. She has received her BA degree from the University of Latvia and participated in the Erasmus exchange at Sciences Po in France, she has received her Masters in Political Science, Economics and Law from the University of Basel in Switzerland and at CEU in Budapest, Hungary. Ms. Oborune is currently a PhD Candidate in Political Science at University of Latvia, and member of EPSA, IAPSS, EUSA, UACES and BAICE. She has presented at 22 international conferences including University of Cambridge, EP Model in Strasbourg, UN Model in New York and is author of more than 11 academic publications.

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    Irene Zugasti

    Irene Zugasti is a journalist and a political scientist from Madrid, who conducted her studies of Political Sciences and Public Administration in Complutense University in Madrid and Charles University in Prague. She holds an MA in International Relations and Diplomacy of the Diplomat School of Spain, where she focused her research on Gender and IR studies. Nowadays she works in the Government Office for Gender Based Violence in Spain, while she continues researching Gender issues in the European arena.

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    Jonathan Volt

    Jonathan has studied Political Science and Economics at Lund University, where he recently graduated in the top of his class with a two-year Master’s degree in Political Science. He has practical experience from the Earth System Governance Project, where he conducted research on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Among other things, he wrote a well-liked opinion piece on Public-Private Partnerships and the SDGs.He was also responsible for the project’s different social media channels and the website linked to the SDGs. Furthermore, Jonathan has gathered experience from the UNFCCC secretariat in Bonn where he worked as an intern for six months in the Mitigation, Data & Analysis (MDA) Programme. During his time in Bonn he supported the MDA programme in preparing for the first Multilateral Assessment process, which was finalized at the SBI41 session in Lima 2014. Jonathan prepared and presented a praised presentation to the secretariat containing his analysis of the Multilateral Assessment process. Jonathan also supported the work on the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) process and its related multilateral negotiations held in Bonn October 2014. Before that, he was working as an assisting project manager for a national health care project, initiated by Region Skåne, aiming to improve different processes within the Swedish health care system. The project was the first of its kind and enhanced the interregional collaboration within this sector.

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    Meriam Benhamza

    Meriam Benhamza holds a BA in finance and Accounting and a Master in Financial Communication from the Università Della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland. She is fascinated by various topics, but her main focus is the new financial issues arising from the Euro crisis and the role good governance plays in solving them.

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    Ann-Kathrin Beck

    Ann-Kathrin Beck is currently finishing up her graduate degree in the Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals and the School of Public Policy, Central European University, Budapest. Previously, she has gained professional experiences with the German Agency for Development Cooperation (GIZ) in Ghana, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Indonesia and the German Embassy in Kazakhstan, always eager to find the connections between environmental and development policies – her two main research interests. Her master thesis focusses on the external dimension and potentials of EU forest governance.

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    Camilla Edemann Callesen

    I am a Danish national with a BA in International Studies and a MA in International Conflict and Security. I have previous work experience from humanitarian, peacebuilding and human rights organizations in Belgium and Denmark, and from a research institute in Finland. My interests include Russia and EU’s foreign and security policies, NATO-Russia relations, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding. In September I will commence my PhD in International Relations, which will focus on Russia’s foreign policy decision-making in the context of the conflicts in Ukraine and Georgia.

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    Darragh Cunningham

    Darragh Cunningham holds an MSc in Environmental Policy from University College Dublin. He is primarily interested in policy issues related to climate change, green infrastructure, smart cities, sustainability and urbanisation. Darragh has recently undertaken a policy research internship for the Green Party in Ireland. From January 2017 he shall be part of the Projects Team for the EuroCities Network in Brussels on a work experience placement.

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    Polina Vershinina

    Polina Vershinina has a BA in International Relations at Saint Petersburg State University, Russia. Currently she is a MA student in Political Science in Central European University, Hungary. She specializes in global political dialogue and institutional development. Her research focuses on the EU, more specifically on Central Europe, migration policy, civil society and NGOs. She is a strong supporter of a cross-disciplinary approach in international relations research.

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    Jakub Rusek

    Jakub Rusek is a PhD candidate at the University of Munich. He currently works at the EASAC (European Academies Science Advisory Council) as Assistant liaison officer and at FEDRA (Federation of Regional Actors) as a Young Regional Ambassador.

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    Simone Esposito

    Simone is a graduate student in EU Politics at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he is specialising in the public policy of the European Union. He holds a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) from LUISS Guido Carli in Rome, and took part in the Erasmus exchange programme at Sciences Po Paris. Simone currently works as Economic Affairs officer for the 1989 Generation Initiative, a newly founded policy network that commits to mobilise young citizens to revive the European project. His interests lie in the field of politics and geopolitics in Europe, and in European political economy.

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    Jessica Tervo

    Jessica Tervo holds a BA in Political Science from The University of Tampere, Finland with a focus on European Politics and Peace and Conflict Studies, and a MA in Political Theory from Pompeu Fabra University, with a focus on democracy, nationalism and multiculturalism. Her research interests include democracy, human rights, border security and forced migration. She is currently based in Barcelona.

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    Regan Turner

    Regan first studied at the Robert Gordon University, where she successfully completed her BA Law and Management and attained a First Class LLB (Hons), followed by a LLM in European Energy and Climate Law specialisation at the University of Groningen and a Diploma of Legal Practice at the University of Strathclyde. Following some professional practice in Scotland and Singapore, and teaching European Environmental Land Law and Delict, Regan is now entering the legal practice as a trainee solicitor in Scotland.

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    Jacob Thaler

    Jacob is a prospective graduate student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) where he will pursue a Master’s degree in Theory and History of International Relations. He received his BA in Political Science and Philosophy from the University of Mannheim (UMA), Germany with a focus on EU politics, in particular the relationship between the member states and EU institutions. In his Master’s dissertation he intends to apply Historical Institutionalism to the study of European integration. His work experience includes a research assistantship at the Collaborative Research Center “Political Economy of Reforms” at UMA and an editorial traineeship at the newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”.

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    Nina Kocijan

    Nina has a BA in European Studies from the University of Ljubljana, and an MA in Political Science from University of Manchester. Her primary research interest is the EU, more specifically its foreign relations, enlargement policy and its relations with the candidate countries i.e. the Western Balkans. She is currently based in Ljubljana where she is working on the EU Aid Volunteers initiative as part of a French Civic Service team.

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    Vladislav Vejnovic

    Vladislav holds a double master degree in European Forestry at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna and at the University of Eastern Finland. His research interests cover a wide range of international environmental policy topics, particularly, EU forest governance, illegal logging and illegal trade matters, legality verification and the economics of natural resources. He is also experienced in project development and cooperation, as well as in the education matters in Africa. Furthermore, Vladislav has been very active on the international networking scene. He was working for several NGO's, such as the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), as well as the European Forestry Institute (EFI), where he actively participated in several notable symposiums (e.g. FAO World Forestry Congress 2015, United Nations Forum on Forests 11).

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    Daniela Rat

    Daniela Raț studied at the West University of Timișoara, where she obtained her bachelor’s degree in law and her LL.M in European Union Law. Further, she was awarded a one year research fellowship by the German Federal Environmental Foundation and conducted her research on sustainable transport policies at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. Currently, Daniela is a MSc candidate for the interdisciplinary International Master of Environmental Sciences program at the University of Cologne. Her broad research interests range from biodiversity policies to transport policies, renewable energy policies and environmental ethics.

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    Elien Verstraeten

    Elien Verstraeten is an MSc in Local Economic Development student at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She holds a Bachelor’s in Economics from the University of Ghent.

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    Rowan Anderson

    Rowan Anderson is an MA French and English Literature student at the University of St Andrews who is currently spending a year abroad in Strasbourg. She also writes for the St Andrews Foreign Affairs Review and is a staff reviewer for The Monitor: the Journal of International Studies at the College of William and Mary.

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    Emma Donnachie

    I am a renewable energy policy enthusiast with an LLB in European Law and an MSc in Environment and Development. My interests particularly lie in the potential of off-grid renewable energy in the transition to a low-carbon economy, as well as the role of energy policy and law in assisting leapfrogging in international development. I am currently working as a programme co-ordinator in an international charity which raises funds primarily for humanitarian and environmental causes, and carries out projects throughout Africa and Asia.

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    Veronique Cimina

    Veronique is a recently Master’s graduate in EU Law at Leiden University, Netherlands, with a thesis in Competition Law and specific research on EU migration law and its current crisis. Veronique obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from Università degli Studi Roma Tre in Rome, with a thesis on the Responsibility to Protect and its failure to be truly effective in humanitarian crisis. Currently, she is a legal assistant in national Tax and Compliance law in Rome. She is interested in European law and governance, politics and international relations. In her free time, she enjoys travelling, reading, and listening to music.

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    Igor Tkalec

    Igor Tkalec is a PhD candidate in political science at the University of Luxembourg. His PhD project encompasses policy coordination and social policy of the European Union with a focus on pension systems. His academic interests include political economy, governance, and comparative politics, notably in the context of the European Union. He has experience in journalism, blogging, and research projects.

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    Mareike Müller

    Mareike Müller studies International Security and Political Economy at the LSE and Sciences Po. Prior to her studies she has gained professional experience among others at the World Health Organization, the German Development Agency GIZ and the Federal Foreign Office.

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    Jaap Rozema

    Jaap Rozema obtained his PhD in environmental politics from the University of East Anglia, UK. He focuses on the governance, geography and science of environmental issues, while increasingly applying these to climate change. Currently Jaap works in policy decision support for a political party in the Netherlands.

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    Izza Tahir

    Izza Tahir is a Master of Public Policy graduate from the University of Toronto, Canada. She has worked as a policy analyst with the Government of Ontario in Canada as well as the Government of Pakistan. Her research interests include governance reform, health policy, and the politics and policy of education reform in developing countries.

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    Mira Alexander

    Mira Alexander is currently enrolled in a two year Erasmus Mundus Master in Public Policy, which she will complete at Central European University (Budapest) and the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (Barcelona). Prior to her studies in public policy, she obtained a BA in European Studies from Maastricht University and has gained professional experiences from internships at the Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin), Europe Direct Info-Point Hamburg, and the Chancellery of the Senate of the City of Hamburg. Mira’s research interests include EU Governance, EU Common Foreign and Security Policy, Security Studies, State Building, and Conflict Resolution.

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    Igor Sarkissian

    Igor Sarkissian holds an M.A. in Advanced European and International Studies from Sciences Po Lille. Focusing mainly on European affairs and the EU, he worked as an intern for the economic and trade section of the EU delegation to Vietnam. His areas of interests include the economic, foreign and trade policy of the EU, the decision-making process of the European institutions and the relations between Europe and Asia.

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    Mario Munta

    Mario is a PhD student in Public Policy at the Central European University. His doctoral thesis deals with the Europeanisation modes of employment policies in Croatia. He obtained his MA in Public Policy. Thus far, he assisted in teaching and research at the University of Zagreb and the ECPR Summer School in Methods. His main research interests center around EU public policy, social and employment policy and sustainable development.

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    Louise Montgomery

    Louise Montgomery holds an LLM in Global Environment and Climate Change Law from the University of Edinburgh. She is currently a Research and Campaigns intern in OneKind, an animal welfare organization.

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    Aida Džanović

    Aida Džanović holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Sarajevo. The title of her thesis is “European migration policy and the position of migrant workers from the Third world countries in the EU (case: BiH workers in Slovenia)”. Aida works as a researcher and a collaborator on many international and regional projects. She is an author of many research articles published in BiH and Serbia. Aida has organized and presented on many international conferences, took part in international seminars and summer schools. Focus of her research is the European migration policy from the viewpoint of the theory of biopolitics.

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    Marta Cioci

    I am currently enrolled in the MA in European Affairs programme at Sciences Po, Paris. Having graduated with a dissertation on the Ukrainian crisis from my BA Hons in International Relations and Development Studies at the University of Westminster, London, I have developed an interest in EU relations with Russia. My research primarily focuses on EU governance, migration, geopolitics, issues of conflict solving, diplomacy, nuclear weapons. My interests are also ethno-nationalism, notions of mass obedience and group conformism, the concept of nation-state, and the 1930s totalitarianist regimes in Europe.

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    Hanne Cokelaere

    I am a news- and EU enthusiast who, after one year working in EU communication, has started a postgraduate programme in international investigative journalism. I am currently interning as an editorial researcher in POLITICO Europe’s newsroom in Brussels.

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    Pratibha Singh

    Pratibha Singh is a researcher/writer on issues pertaining to gender and conflict in South Asia. She is currently pursuing her Masters from the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Germany.

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    Monica Esposito

    Monica Esposito holds an MA in International Conflict and Security from the Brussels School of International Studies. She collaborates with research centres in Italy and she is currently an intern at the Chaire Baillet Latour at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve.

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    Léa Duplan

    Léa is an Editor for Digital Policy and Internet Governance. She also works on European Public Affairs at APCO Worldwide in Brussels, where she is specialised in the technology and finicial services sectors. She holds an MPP degree from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and a Bachelor's degree in European Studies from Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

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    Tine Stausholm

    Tine has a BSc in biology and a MSc in biogeography, both obtained in her native Denmark. She has been working with science communication and public engagement since her graduation. Alongside this she has been doing research and surveying of land use and cover in the EU for Eurostat. Her international experience includes working as a education mentor on a rhino relocation project in Zambia and a stint as a research diver in Mexico. She currently lives in London where she works as a freelance writer and editor of research funding opportunities.

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    Cecilia Erba

    Cecilia earned a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Bologna with a thesis focused on environmental crimes in Europe. She then specialized on sustainable development and natural resources at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organization). She worked for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on arctic affairs and for the Italian Ministry of the Environment on international cooperation for sustainable development. She currently works for A Sud, a non-profit association dealing with environmental conflicts, community rights, justice, sustainability and climate change.

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    Danesh Kermabon-Haq

    Danesh Kermabon-Haq holds a BA degree in Politics and International Relations from the University of Sussex, UK and an MSc in International Public Policy from University College London (UCL), UK. His MSc thesis focused on ‘trade liberalisation and income inequality in South Asia’. His BA thesis focused on ‘worker cooperatives as a viable alternative to corporate capitalist enterprises today’. His areas of interest include trade liberalisation, EU policies and socio-economic issues in developing countries.

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    Radoš Keravica

    Rados Keravica holds a master degree from University of Novi Sad, Faculty for Economics. His research interests are related to social policy and social entrepreneurship. In 2011 he joined the Center for Society Orientation in Belgrade and Disability Rights Promotion International as Regional Officer for Europe. Through his work he has engaged in human rights monitoring focusing on disability and PLHIV rights, community-based social service development, deinstitutionalization processes, policy advice in the field of social inclusion, and reporting under international human rights mechanisms, among others. Mr. Keravica is a Co-chair of the IDDC Task Group on HIV & Disability.

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    Alessandro Gangarossa

    I hold a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a MSc double degree in Economics and International Relations from University of Lugano (Switzerland) and Catholic University of Milan . During my master I could deepen my interest and specialize in EU law and policy, especially regarding EU Trade Law and trade defence policy, which was the topic of my final dissertation. This interest brought me to intern at the Commercial Office of the Consulate General of Egypt in Milan. Other than trade I am interested in national and international politics, as well as the EU political development.

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    Suad Skenderi

    Suad Skenderi graduated Political Science, International Relations and Journalism at FON University, Macedonia and acquired his Master of Arts degree in Political Science at the Central European University - Budapest. From 2008 to 2012, he has worked as an assistant in the sector for Human Rights and Inter-ethnic relations at "Mesecina" - Gostivar. Currently he is an executive director at Romalitico, the academic medium related to Roma policy analyses. He is interested in data visualizations, infographics, advocacy, minority politics, politics of identity, representation, participation and good governance. In addition, he has contributed for the Balkanist, Bright Green, European Student Think Tank, Nationalia, Iul Pianus

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    Cedric Algoed

    Cedric Algoed holds an MA in Economics from the University of Ghent. He is currently enrolled in an LLM in Law and Politics of International Security at the VU Amsterdam. He focuses on civil war, the political economy of conflict and rebel governance.

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    Robbin Kappelhof

    Robbin is currently finishing her BA in European Studies from Maastricht University, by writing her thesis on the position of Poland and Hungary regarding the current EU migration crisis. She spent an Erasmus semester in Vilnius, Lithuania, and has developed interests in European and international affairs, development, human rights and the normative power of the European Union. She also works as a Development Assistant for Human Rights Watch in Amsterdam.

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    Kristina Mihnevich

    Kristina holds a BA of Engineering and an MA in “European Studies on Society, Science and Technology” (Maastricht University, IT University of Copenhagen). She also successfully finished an OSF Summer School on European Studies at İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi. Her Master's thesis related to the EU-US debates on the Internet privacy after Snowden's revelations. Kristina has a two-year work experience in IT companies, and has recently accomplished her internship on cyber-security in the context of international relations at CERI SciencesPo. Her current research interest is a variety of social aspects of Internet technologies, with main focus on cyber-security,surveillance and privacy.

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    Sandra Bahous

    Sandra is a New-York qualified attorney and holds a bachelor's degree in finance from McGill University. In the past year, she has worked with Amnesty International on raising awareness on cases involving prisoners of conscience, refugee rights, and capital punishment. She is currently a Research Associate at the Harvard Business School working alongside a professor on research and case writing for an MBA course on leadership and corporate accountability. She is interested in bringing forth policy issues arising in the Middle East including gender equality, political economy, and human rights.

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    Bert Segier

    Bert R.G. Segier holds a Master degree in History and a Minor degree in Political Science. Professionally, Bert worked as a Political Adviser to a member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives in Brussels, as a Head of Cabinet of a Regional Government in Bruges and as a Communications Officer at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in Stockholm. After a brief experience at the Consulate-General of Belgium in London, he took the opportunity to work for the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), The Hague, initially as Consultant and currently as Projects Officer. Bert has been politically active on different levels. He focuses on international affairs, human rights and the rule of law. He enjoys history and moral philosophy. Bert is a correspondent for the Belgian-American newspaper the Gazette van Detroit and strongly supports the work of the NGO Eyes for the World. Twitter: @bgravitas; LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bertsegier

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    Camila Azavedo

    Camila Azevedo is a Brazilian/Portuguese graduate with extensive international experience. Currently based in Sweden, she has also lived in Brazil, Norway, England and Jamaica. Camila holds a Master of Science degree in International Development and Management from Lund University, Sweden. She also holds a Bachelor’s in Media and Communication Studies from Santos Catholic University, Brazil. Camila has four years of professional experience in program management support, communications, research, marketing and education. Originally a journalist, Camila is interested in the intersection of communications and development, especially concerning policy, communications, research and advocacy services. Her main research interests include agrarian and environmental issues, forced labor, inequality, corporate accountability and migration. Camila’s fieldwork-based master’s thesis deals with the question of access to land in Southern Brazil and the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST), the largest peasant movement in Latin America. It has been nominated for the Hydén Award for best thesis in socioeconomic and political issues in developing countries by Lund University, Sweden.

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    Justine Chauvin

    Justine graduated with a B.A. in International Relations from the University of Geneva, and a M.A. in International Politics of the Internet (Dist.) from Aberystwyth University. Her studies focused on emerging security challenges – in particular cyber security – and new technologies’ impact on social movements. After interning at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), assisting in preparing and executing an international forum on ICTs (Telecom World 2014), she worked at the associate level at Access, an international human rights organization defending digital rights.

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    Rossella Lombardi

    Rossella Lombardi holds an MA in European studies from the universities of Bath and Berlin and a BA in human rights and politics from the University of Padova. She has work experience in the fields of education and migration.

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    Sam Andrews

    Sam Andrews is a writer and researcher with two Masters degrees in Peace and Conflict Studies, with specializations in the MENA region and in statistical analysis. He has a number of published articles, and has worked with international organizations in Palestine, Brussels, Iraq and London. He is particularly interested in how statistical techniques can help us understand and analyze public policy and political action.

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    Katherine Atkinson

    Katherine Atkinson is from the UK and recently graduated with a master’s degree in Conflict Studies. She lives in Brussels currently, but did her studies in London and has lived in France, Russia and Moldova while she studied French and Russian. She is particularly interested in the politics of the post-Soviet space.

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    Jakov Bojović

    Jakov Bojovic is co-Founder of the POLITHEOR network and Editor for the EU governance and politics section. He teaches policy and opinion writing at the IE School of Global and Public Affairs and is President of the Madrid-based Centre for Policy Writing.

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    Dina Habjouqa

    As a PhD candidate in Political Studies at the University of Alicante, Dina is researching the legal and constitutional landscapes and the geopolitical factors that govern the creation, orientation, functioning and performance of political parties in Jordan. She previously served as a political researcher at the Jordanian Royal Court, with special emphasis on relations with the European Union, and as an EU-Jordan relations officer at the Ministry of Planning in Amman. Her professional and academic experience focuses on democracy building, the empowerment of political parties, and EU-MENA relations. Dina contributed to a number of reports published by the Jordanian Center for Strategic Studies.

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    Emilie Bartolini

    Emilie is a half Dutch – half Italian Master Student at the College of Europe in Bruges, where she specializes in EU Politics. Before moving to Belgium, she studied at the University of Florence a Bachelor in Political Science and spent a year in the UK, where she graduated with a Master in Democracy and Comparative Politics at University College London. Her main research focus is on Democracy within the EU and Inter-institutional relations, although she also likes to read and write about electoral politics in Western European countries.

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    Andriana Foulidou

    Andriana is a graduate of Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, working at the moment as a lawyer in Thessaloniki, Greece. After her graduation, she successfully attended both the LLM programme in Public Law and Political Science of Law School and the MSc programme in Political Analysis of School of Political Sciences of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has also served as a board member of the Association of Trainee Lawyers of Thessaloniki (2012-2014) and of the Union of Trainee and Young Lawyers of Thessaloniki (2014-2016).

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    Marina Martinova

    Marina Martinova studies International Relations and World Politics at Moscow State Institute of International Relations. After doing an exchange programme in Sciences Po (Paris), she completed an internship in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Her interests lie in global financial governance, integration, European politics and geopolitics. Alpinism, cycling, debating and reading are among her favourite pastimes.

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    Menna Soliman

    Menna Soliman is a human rights lawyer based in Egypt. She received her LLB from Ain Shams University in Cairo. She has worked as a legal advisor for a refugee aid organization providing legal assistance to the refugee communities in Egypt.

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    Graham Patterson

    Graham Patterson is currently finishing his second year of graduate school at the University of York in England, working towards a Master’s in Public Policy. Previously he spent five years working in the government and NGO sectors after receiveing his B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His primary academic interests are intergovernmental fiscal transfers, partnerships between government and the private sector, and lately he has taken an active interest in mediation used for diplomacy. His hobbies are traveling, scuba diving and working in local/student government.

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    Yago Bastin

    Yago graduated as a political scientist with specialization in European politics. He obtained a second Master’s degree in General Economics. During his studies he was offered a spot on the board of JEF Ghent, and also had the opportunity to intern at the European Parliament, at the cabinet of MEP Guy Verhofstadt, president of the ALDE Group. Currently he is doing an internship at the Policy and Advocacy department of the European Youth Forum. He is in charge of monitoring the work of the European institutions with a focus on youth issues.

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    Rebecca Brambilla

    Rebecca has a B.A. in Political Science and Sociology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Her main academic interest lies in the fields of Foreign Affairs, International Development and Global Governance. During her studies, Rebecca worked as an intern for the social start-up Serlo Education in Munich and for the Blossom Hill Foundation in New Canaan, Connecticut. Passionate about human rights and global development, she has volunteered for local NGOs in Kenya, India and the United States.

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    André Breedt

    André is currently pursuing a PhD in economics at the Sorbonne in Paris. His research centres around the development of econophysics for economic analysis, and applied use in financial markets. He completed Masters of Philosophy and Science, both in economics, also from the Sorbonne. He has previously worked, amongst others, at the United Nations and Deutsche Bank, and holds an undergraduate degree in law from the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

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    Nasim Salad

    My name is Nasim Salad, I'm from London and I am a Human Security and International Development Masters graduate with an International Relations and History educational background. My interests lie in migration, refugees and women in conflict. Outside of the world of international relations, I enjoy art and reading fantasy fiction.

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    Andrej Stefanovic

    Andrej Stefanovic is a PhD Candidate in Political Science from Serbia, currently working at the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy as an Associate.

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    Crystal Chow

    Crystal Chow is a Hong Kong-based journalist and writer specializing in international affairs and development issues. She holds a master’s degree in Global Energy and Climate Policy with an elective in International Environmental Law from SOAS, University of London. She has previously worked for a legislator in Hong Kong as a research officer, where she advised on environmental and energy policy. Inspired by her on-field reportage and volunteer experience in the Philippines, the Malaysian Borneo and Kenya, Crystal’s interests involve clean technology transfer, political transition and sustainable development in the Asia Pacific, as well as marine environmental governance.

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    Fivos Petsinaris

    Fivos Petsinaris holds a MSc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from the University of Copenhagen and a BA in Economics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests generally revolve around the interactions between economic and ecological systems and how these are reflected in environmental policy decisions. He is primarily interested in integrated water resource management, sustainable production and consumption patterns, and in environmental justice issues that arise from the transition to a low-carbon economy.

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    John Trajer

    John Trajer holds a BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Oxford, and is currently working at a Brussels-based NGO while completing his MA in European Studies. His research focuses on the relationship between different forms of citizenship and mobility in Europe, with a special interest in the migration patterns of Roma EU and non-EU citizens.

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    Dorin Chiritoiu

    Dorin pursues the interdisciplinary M.Sc. in Politics, Economics, and Philosophy offered by the University of Hamburg. His bachelor thesis explores the revival of protectionist trade policies following the 2007 global financial crisis. After spending a period of time at the Foundation for an Open Society Romania, he has become an active promoter of Open Educational Resources as a new way to enhance the learning process. He is now interested in schools of economic thought and how they influence the decision-making process.

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    Alberto Rocamora García

    Alberto Rocamora García is a graduate in European Law and Economic Analysis from the College of Europe, where he majored in Economics. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Business from the University of Extremadura and in Law from the University Carlos III de Madrid respectively. He also undertook an Erasmus exchange programme in Karl-Franzens-University Graz and an online course taught by Harvard. He is interested in EU affairs with a focus on climate, environment and energy issues. Currently he is a Policy Officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action. He has also gained previous work experience in the private sector and in Spanish public administration.

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    Tom Monti

    Tom has just completed his MA in Development Studies at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. His thesis examined the relationship between international trade and trade union rights in India and Pakistan. Before this, Tom worked for the National Alliance of People’s Movements and the European Projects and Management Agency in Delhi and Prague respectively. During the course of his undergraduate degree, he completed a one year internship with international development consultancy firm EUROPE Ltd. His areas of interest include trade liberalisation, workers’ rights and civil society. Alongside his work with Politheor, Tom is currently working for TRUST Consultancy and Development.

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    Aleksandar Bogdanoski

    Aleksandar Bogdanoski studies European Public Policy at the Department of Politics, University of York. He is interested in European integration, good governance and human rights.

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    Liam McDonnell

    Liam McDonnell holds an MSc Environment and Resource Management from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam which focused on sustainability issues through economic and policy standpoints. Within this program he specialized in sustainable energy analysis and climate policy and holds a particular interest in the flow of goods and services in the economy and their relationship with natural systems and energy infrastructures. He has carried out research internships with Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) and Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) and currently performs stakeholder research for Westminster Forum Projects on upcoming policies and developments involving energy, environment and health in the UK.

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    Sevil Aliyeva

    Sevil Aliyeva is a Master’s student in International Tax Law and EU Tax Law at Uppsala University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Human Rights at Oslo University. Sevil was selected as a youth delegate of Azerbaijan at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe. Moreover, as a national coordinator she led the Legal Research Group on Freedom of Expression –Protection of Journalistic Sources in Azerbaijan, which was the joint project of Council of Europe and European Law Students' Association.

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    Nermina Mujagić

    Ms Nermina Mujagić is a University Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo, where she teaches courses on the political science and communicology departments. She is an author of many books (Political de/re-socialization and media, Outside of politics, Politics as a spectacle, Silent speech of Bosnia…), monographs and articles. Her field of research are social and political conflicts, the culture of human rights, civic virtues, the media and the democratization of the public sphere.

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    Melina Monjour

    Melina is currently completing her MA in International Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS University in London. She holds a master’s degree in History and International Affairs from Paris Sorbonne University. In parallel to her studies, she gained experience in several Italian and French magazines, as well as collaborating with a think tank working in close contact with the French Parliament. Her broad research interests range from international affairs to energy related issues, geopolitics and natural resources.

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    Svetlana Slavcheva

    Svetlana Slavcheva is an EU affairs professional from Bulgaria. She holds an MA degree for the Institute for European Studies, Free University of Brussels. She worked with the Europe Direct Contact Centre as EU communication officer and with the European Business Summit as Event Coordinator.

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    Angela Reed Clavijo

    Angela Reed Clavijo has been working to promote economic and social advancements first locally in post-Katrina New Orleans then globally out of San Francisco, California. She is currently part of a team of Responsible Sourcing Managers working with large corporations to understand and encourage improvements of their suppliers' working conditions.

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    Loureen Sayej

    I am a Palestinian national currently living in Washington D.C. I recently graduated from New College of Florida with a BA in International Relations and Human Rights. I work with the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy on creating a the Institute’s international human rights framework for the Children’s Peace Initiative-Kenya (CPI) program. Previously, I have worked with UN-Women, World Affairs Council, The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, and more.

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    Paul Turcu

    Paul Turcu is a Research Assistant at University of Amsterdam's Institute for Social Science Research. He holds an MSc in Political Scence from the same University.

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    Florian Trauner

    Florian Trauner is a research professor in European Studies at the Flemish Free University of Brussels (VUB). His research interests include asylum policies, migration policies and home affairs of the European Union. He is an author of many articles in renowned academic journals, and co-author of the book (2015) titled Policy Change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: how EU institutions matter, published with Routledge, London.

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    Martin Kahanec

    Mr Martin Kahanec is a Visiting Researcher at Harvard University, Associate Professor at the Central European University and founder of the Central European Labour Studies Institute. Mr Kahanec is a prolific author in the area of labor economics, labor migration and population economics, and has published in peer-reviewed international journals. He is also the Managing Editor of the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies.

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    Alex Oancea

    Alex obtained his Bachelor’s degree in International Relations in Bucharest, and has recently graduated from a Master’s programme at University of Amsterdam where his main focus was EU’s external migration policy. Momentarily he is enrolled in another Master track that deals with gender studies and human rights issues. In the professional realm; he is a research assistant at Amsterdam’s Institute for Social Science Research, being involved in a project related to medical anthropology. Moreover, since he is passionate about migration issues, he worked for a brief period of time for Romania’s General Inspectorate for Immigration (Asylum and Integration Directorate) and as a (volunteer) lecturer for ARCA - Romanian Forum of Refugees and Migrants, teaching grammar and history. He is co-author of the book ”A grain of thought”, succinctly analyzing perceptions and issues surrounding the right to vote in Romania.

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    Stephen Treacy

    Stephen Treacy is a graduate of Human Geography at the University of the West of England, Bristol. His research interests span across the field including, but not limited to national identity, xenophobia, clandestine migration, globalisation and urban Geography. Currently he is engaged in voluntary aid work and research within the Grande Synthe refugee camp in Dunkirk, France, whilst re-locating to Krakow, Poland to begin ground work for studying Polish nationalism.

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    David Monda

    I am a Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York's Guttman Community College. My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in International Relations from Alliant International University in San Diego. My specialization is in International Economics and Foreign Policy for my MA degree. I'm a doctoral candidate (2019) for a Phd. in. Political Science at the City University of New York's Graduate Center in Mid-Town Manhattan. My research interests are securitization of refugee policy and international humanitarian law. I have taught a range of Political Science, International Relations and Public Administration courses in the United States, Brazil, South Africa and Kenya. I also regularly provide media contributions on a range of topical issues concerning International Affairs on Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, Citizen and Nation Television.

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    Alicia García-Herrero

    Alicia Garcia Herrero is a Senior Fellow at Bruegel and a non-resident research fellow at Real Instituto El Cano. She is also Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at NATIXIS. Alicia Garcia Herrero is currently adjunct professor at City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and visiting faculty at China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS).

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    Attila Marján

    Hungarian economist, PhD in international relations. Based in Brussels for fourteen years as diplomat and member of EU commissioners’ cabinets. Two times visiting fellow of Wilson Center in Washington DC. University professor and author of books on EU affairs and geopolitics. Head of department, National University of Public Administration, Budapest.

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    Barbara Lewis

    Barbara Lewis, Ph.D., heads the Trotter Institute for the Study of Black History and Culture at UMass Boston, and is tenured in the Department of English. As a cultural historian, she has published on lynching in drama, the minstrel stage, and the black arts movement. For over fifteen years, she wrote theater, film, and performance reviews and covered the arts scene in New York. Dr. Lewis has taught at City College, Lehman, New York University, and chaired the Department of Theatre at the University of Kentucky.

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    Dušan Pavlović

    Mr Dušan Pavlović is a Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, where he teaches political economy. He is known as one of the pioneers in studying rational choice theory in political science and public choice theory in Serbia. Mr Pavlovic has published books in political economy, consolidation of the democratic institutions in Serbia, as well as many research articles.

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    Charlotte McLaughlin

    Charlotte’s background is in Politics and Economics at University College Dublin but she has had a long interest in journalism - having worked previously for the BBC and Irish radio stations. As a reporter at shecco, Charlotte is covering breaking news about climate friendly technology in the HVACR industry. She currently writes for online industry platforms and contributes regularly to shecco’s Accelerate Magazines. She is also currently writing for Politheor about the environment and energy.

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    Andrei Fărcaș

    Andrei Fărcaș is a graduate student at the Central European University in Budapest. He was one of the organizers of the late 2014 protests in Romania.

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    Michel Foucault

    Michel Foucault was a French philosopher, historian of ideas, social theorist, philologist and literary critic

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    Ozren Petrovic & Nikola Filipovic

    Ozren holds an MA in Intercultural Communication and Media and an MSc in Strategic Management. Fluent in five European languages. Works in risk consulting and public relations. Nikola holds a BSc degree in management and organization and has worked on multiple consulting projects.

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    Tereza Maarova

    Tereza Maarova holds an MA in Development and Emergency Practice from Oxford Brookes University. She is currently an Operations Manager at Teach for Slovakia, an NGO focused on fostering young leaders to drive social change and address human rights issues.

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    Zoe Kostitsi-Papastathopoulou

    Zoe is a current MPA ('16) candidate in the School of Public Policy, Central European University. She received her BA in Political Science from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a MA from the University of Essex in Ideology and Discourse Analysis. As an instructor and research assistant on ethnic profiling by police, intercultural education, and migration she has offered training to various audiences including local government officials. She has also worked in the education sector in the context of teaching but also in coordinating educational programmes offered by both the private and public sector and the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. As part of her current studies she is working on her passion project for human rights advocacy, specializing on refugees' rights, EU legislation, and asylum policies. She has interned/lived/worked in Greece, India, Germany, the UK and now Hungary.

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    Christopher Hamlin

    Christopher Hamlin holds a BA degree in Asia Pacific studies from Cornell University. Before his internship at Politheor, he interned at various levels of the United States government, both domestically and in Beijing. He has also worked in policy roles as both an environmental and democratic activist. His main research interests include Asia-Pacific electoral systems, governance, and resource rights.

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    Justina Vaikutyte

    Justina is currently an MA candidate in Public Policy at the Central European University. Prior to her studies she had been working as a researcher in the Public Policy and Management Institute in Lithuania. She was responsible for EU-wide research and evaluation projects delegated by the European Commission, mainly in the area of education and training.

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    Theresa Josephine Seipp

    Theresa Josephine Seipp holds an LLB in International and European Law and an LLM in International Business Law with focus on Media and IP law.

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    Ina Gluhova

    Ina is a recent graduate from London School of Economics with MSc in social science with specialty in health policy and economics. She has been a temporary political risk events collector for countries in Eastern Europe. She has developed strong interest in political emergencies and geopolitical factors affecting the EU policy making. Currently, Ina is working as an analyst for a business intelligence provider based in London.

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    Lena Jacobs

    Lena Jacobs is an MA candidate in Public Policy with a focus on EU Public Policy. Prior to this, Lena worked as a communications officer for the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice in the Republic of Ireland.

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    Satzhan Mukatayev

    Satzhan M. Mukatayev is currently pursuing Bachelor degree in International law at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), he completed an internship in “School of International Diplomacy”. He also works at private firm as Junior Lawyer. His interests lie in international private law, integration, human rights.

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    Andrija Visic

    Andrija is currently an MA candidate in Public Policy at the Central European University. Prior to his studies he had been working as the Head of Office of the Croatian Lobbyist Association in Zagreb, Croatia. His current work involves research on lobbying regulation in the EU member states.

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    Bojan Georgievski

    Bojan Georgievski is a researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and the School of Journalism and Public Relations in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He holds an MA degree in International Law, acquired at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" in Skopje. He defended his MA thesis in 2012 on the topic of Social Networking Privacy. He has experience working in research projects and has authored or co-authored several publications, his most recent one a policy brief focusing on whistleblower protection in Macedonia. Bojan has an interest in researching privacy, data protection, communications and media studies.

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    Maria Rizou

    Maria Rizou is a third year Ph.D. student in Economic and Social History at King’s College London. Her research interests are in the broad area of refugee flows in 20th and 21st century. In her PhD research she focuses on migration policy as shaped by the United Nations, the European governments as well as the financial system. She does research in the archives of the Bank of England, Hambros Bank, National Bank of Greece, Bank of Greece and European Union, analyzing economic, political and diplomatic documents of the 20th century.

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    Wolfgang Klotz

    Co-founder and Director of the Central and Eastern European Online Library; from 2009 to mid-2012, he was the Director of the Belgrade office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

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    Zlatko Čustović

    Zlatko Custovic studies Nationalism at the Central European University in Budapest.

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    Saba Sekulovic

    Saba Sekulovic is a recent LL.M graduate in International and Economic Law at Europa Institut, Saarland University, Germany specializing in Investment, Trade and Dispute Resolution. Previously, she obtained her Bachelor of Laws at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. After graduating, she completed an internship with WilmerHale Litigation/Controversy Department in Frankfurt am Main, as well as Mena Chambers, a dispute resolution and energy law firm in Brussels. Before that, she was a trainee with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro.

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    Rustam Issakhojayev

    Issakhojayev Rustam graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2010 with bachelor’s degree in Political Science. During his studies at the USC, he was engaged in directed reading with Dr. Anthony Kammas on the topic “Power Struggle in the Religion, within the context of politics, religion and violence”. In 2015 he defended his thesis “Management of Cash Flow System in the Enterprise” for his Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Turar Ryskulov New Economic University. He is currently studying at the Central European University at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, with the focus on transboundary water management in Central Asia. He worked as full time staff for the UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific) and was engaged with projects focused on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

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    Josh Chivanga

    I am a human rights advocate advancing the promotion of basic rights at both national and international level. I recently completed a Masters in Human Rights at the University of Sussex and aiming to pursue a doctorate in areas related to Human Rights, Public Policy and or Migration. I have worked in the human rights sector in various countries such as my home country Zimbabwe and Switzerland. My research interests are related to African diaspora, migration, development, international relations and human rights.

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    Uwe Puetter

    Uwe Puetter is Professor of European Public Policy and Governance at the School of Public Policy (SPP) and Director of the Center for European Union Research (CEUR) at the Central European University (CEU), Budapest. He also holds the Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Policy and Governance awarded by the European Commission and is a member of the Executive Board of the FP7 research consortium 'bEUcitizen'.

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    Thomas Grandjouan

    Thomas is a franco-british graduate student in EU affairs from Sciences Po, Paris. His interests include EU energy security, EU-Russia relations, renewable energy sources, and EU institutional reform. He is a member of the Labour Party and the Young European Federalists.

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    Nicolás Torres Vieira

    Nicolás Torres has more than six years of experience in the nonprofit sector, particularly in activities related to labor unions, social and legal empowerment of vulnerable workers, and community development. Nicolás is a lawyer and graduated with high distinction from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and also earned a master in Public Policy from the Central European University in Hungary. While studying at the Law School he worked as a monitor at the Center of Labor Studies Alberto Hurtado, a nonprofit organization dependent on the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, training union and social leaders in labor law, leadership, and communication skills. After graduating from Law School, Nicolás worked as a lawyer in Ernst & Young Chile, rendering consultancy services in labor law, employment taxes, social security and immigration. Before starting his masters’ studies in Hungary, he contributed as a labor law professor at the Institute of Popular Education and Training in Santiago, working with vulnerable workers in order to improve their employment conditions and self-empowerment. During his professional career, Nicolás focused on labor studies, vulnerable workers employment conditions, and the effects of labor unions and collective bargaining on income distribution and poverty.

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    Murdock O'Mooney

    Murdock is a writer and educator originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico U.S.A. He holds a BFA in Creative Writing and MA in Rhetoric and Writing with a Teaching Focus from the University of New Mexico. He currently teaches writing and composition, as well as other courses, at Chosun University in Gwangju, South Korea.

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    Thom Van Willigen

    Thom is interested in policy issues related to energy, security and the relationship between post-Soviet states and 'Western' Europe (especially where these issues intersect). He recently completed an interdisciplinary dual degree MSc programme in European Governance at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Inspired to explore some practical elements to energy issues in a different way, he is currently working on two projects. First, a selection of tables that have a solar panel and inductive charging capabilities for phones embedded in the surface. Second, low-cost energy monitoring hardware and an online savings tool to realize a reduction in energy use aimed at countries with a high dependence on energy imports, a low level of awareness on energy savings potential and where energy prices are not transparent.

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    Ana-Maria Cioraru

    Ana Maria recently obtained her M.Sc in International Relations and Development Studies from The University of Aalborg, Denmark with a focus on Global Refugee Studies. Her final thesis looked at issues of Development and Internal Displacement in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She previously took part in research projects among asylum seekers and refugees in Turkey, Greece and Malta. Currently she is volunteering within a Danish NGO working with homeless job-seeking migrants in Copenhagen. Her main research interests revolve around human rights in connection to forced migration and integration.

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    Ana Prundaru

    Ana Prundaru is a writer, translator and visual artist. She holds a MSc in Sociology of Law and an LL.B in EU Law. Her essays appear in Ragazine, Thread Literary, Kyoto Journal, Luna Luna Magazine and Feminist Wire, among other places. She tweets @the_anamaria.

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    Emile Fabre

    Emile Fabre is an aspiring political affairs researcher and MA student at the College of Europe in Natolin, Poland, whose analytical work focuses on international affairs and security issues. Previously Emile has engaged in human rights monitoring, researching armed conflict and extremism as well as drafting policy on foreign affairs by working at the European External Action Service, European Parliament and International Crisis Group. He holds degrees from the American Graduate School of Paris (MSc International Relations) and Paris-Sud University (MA Diplomacy).

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    Anis H. Bajrektarević

    For past 15 years, he teaches subjects of Geo-political Affairs, International Law (including Intl. Relations, Law of IOs and EU Law) and Sustainable Development (Institutions and Instruments of). Besides, he served as a pro bono expert to numerous academic institutions, think-tanks and intergovernmental institutions (such as the UN ECE, OSCE, Council of Europe, American Bar, Oxford Academy of Total Intelligence, etc.). He is a Professor and Chairperson Intl. Law & Global Political Studies at the IMC University of Austria.

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    Spyros Sofos

    Spyros Sofos is a visiting lecturer at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the Lund University. He has previously been a Senior Research Fellow in International Politics at the Helen Bamber Centre for the Study of Rights, Conflict and Mass Violence of Kingston University, a Senior Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in International Politics at Portsmouth University. He is member of the advisory board of Transconflict, a conflict transformation NGO. He has been a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Area Studies, Mediterranean Politics and the Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans and is editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies. He has published many monographs and research articles and is currently editing a book series on ‘Islam and Nationalism’ (with Umut Özkırımlı) for Palgrave Macmillan.

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    Carl Johannes Muth

    Visiting researcher at Central European University.